Source code for oscaar.timeConversions

import pyfits
import numpy as np


[docs]def jd2jd(jd): return jd
[docs]def dateobs2jd(ut): """ Convert times from Universal Time (UT) to Julian Date (JD), splitting the date and time at the "T". Parameters ---------- ut : string Time in Universial Time (UT), in the format: "<YYYY:MM:DD>T<HH:MM:SS>" Returns ------- jd : float Julian Date (JD) """ [date, Time] = ut.split('T') Time = Time.strip() [year, month, day] = date.split('-') [hour, min, sec] = Time.split(':') year = int(year); month = int(month); day = int(day) hour = int(hour); min = int(min); sec = float(sec) #years = (int(year) + 4716)*365.25 if month == 1 or month == 2: month += 12 year -= 1 a = year/100 b = a/4 c = 2-a+b d = day e = np.floor(365.25*(year+4716)) f = np.floor(30.6001*(month+1)) years = c+d+e+f-1524.5 fracOfDay = (hour/24.) + (min/(24*60.)) + (sec/(24*60*60.)) jd = years + fracOfDay return jd
[docs]def mjd2jd(mjd): """ Converts Modified Julian Date to Julian Date. Definition of Modified Julian Date (MJD): MJD = JD - 2400000.5 Parameters ---------- mjd : float The Modified Julian Date Returns ------- jd : float :math:`$mjd + 2400000.5 = jd$`, the corresponding ordinary Julian Date """ return mjd + float(2400000.5)
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[docs]def findKeyword(fitsFile): ''' Parameters ---------- fitsfile : string Path to a FITS file Returns ------- (useKeyword, allKeys, conversionFunction) : tuple where - `useKeyword` is the FITS header keyword that should be used to find the time of the exposure, - `allKeys` is the list of all header keywords in the first exposure - `conversionFunction` is a function that will convert the time value stored in the keyword denoted by `useKeyword` to Julian Date ''' ## All keys in FITS header for the file allKeys = pyfits.getheader(fitsFile).keys() ## List of potential keywords to search for knownkeys = ["JD","MJD-OBS","DATE-OBS","UTC-OBS"] conversions = [jd2jd, mjd2jd, dateobs2jd, dateobs2jd] conversionFunction = None useKeyword = None ## Search for keywords for which we've predefined conversion functions j = -1 while useKeyword == None and j < len(knownkeys)-1: j += 1 if knownkeys[j] in allKeys: conversionFunction = conversions[j] useKeyword = knownkeys[j] if useKeyword == None: print "No known keywords found" return useKeyword, allKeys, knownkeys, conversionFunction