Source code for oscaar.other

import shutil
from re import split
import cPickle
from shutil import copy
import os

[docs]def overWriteCheck(filename, checkfiles, varcheck): """Checks to see if a particular file should be overwritten based on whether varcheck is on or off""" overcheck = None for i in range(0, len(checkfiles)): if checkfiles[i]== filename and varcheck == 'on': overcheck = raw_input('WARNING: Overwrite /' + filename + '/ ? (Y/n): ') break if overcheck == '' or overcheck == 'Y' or overcheck == 'y': shutil.rmtree(filename) os.mkdir(filename)
####################################################################### ####################################################################### """ Functions for handling dates. Contains: gd2jd -- converts gregorian date to julian date jd2gd -- converts julian date to gregorian date Wish list: Function to convert heliocentric julian date! These functions were taken from Enno Middleberg's site of useful astronomical python references: "Feel free to download, use, modify and pass on these scripts, but please do not remove my name from it." --E. Middleberg """ # 2009-02-15 13:12 IJC: Converted to importable function
[docs]def gd2jd(*date): """ converts a UT Gregorian date to Julian date. Usage: (2009, 02, 25, 01, 59, 59) To get the current Julian date: import time gd2jd(time.gmtime()) Hours, minutesutes and/or seconds can be omitted -- if so, they are assumed to be zero. Year and month are converted to type INT, but all others can be type FLOAT (standard practice would suggest only the final element of the date should be float) """ #print date #print date[0] date = date[0] date = list(date) if len(date)<3: print "You must enter a date of the form (2009, 02, 25)!" return -1 elif len(date)==3: for ii in range(3): date.append(0) elif len(date)==4: for ii in range(2): date.append(0) elif len(date)==5: date.append(0) yyyy = int(date[0]) mm = int(date[1]) dd = float(date[2]) hh = float(date[3]) minutes = float(date[4]) sec = float(date[5]) #print yyyy,mm,dd,hh,minutes,sec UT=hh+minutes/60+sec/3600 #print "UT="+`UT` total_seconds=hh*3600+minutes*60+sec fracday=total_seconds/86400 #print "Fractional day: %f" % fracday # print dd,mm,yyyy, hh,minutes,sec, UT if (100*yyyy+mm-190002.5)>0: sig=1 else: sig=-1 JD = 367*yyyy - int(7*(yyyy+int((mm+9)/12))/4) + int(275*mm/9) + dd + 1721013.5 + UT/24 - 0.5*sig +0.5 months=["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] #print "\n"+months[mm-1]+" %i, %i, %i:%i:%i UT = JD %f" % (dd, yyyy, hh, minutes, sec, JD), # Now calculate the fractional year. Do we have a leap year? daylist=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] daylist2=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] if (yyyy%4 != 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%400 == 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%100 == 0): days=daylist else: days=daylist2 daysum=0 for y in range(mm-1): daysum=daysum+days[y] daysum=daysum+dd-1+UT/24 if days[1]==29: fracyear=yyyy+daysum/366 else: fracyear=yyyy+daysum/365 #print " = " + `fracyear`+"\n" return JD
[docs]def jd2gd(jd,returnString=False): """Task to convert a list of julian dates to gregorian dates description at Original algorithm in Jean Meeus, "Astronomical Formulae for Calculators" 2009-02-15 13:36 IJC: Converted to importable, callable function Note from author: This script is buggy and reports Julian dates which are off by a day or two, depending on how far back you go. For example, 11 March 1609 converted to JD will be off by two days. 20th and 21st century seem to be fine, though. Note from Brett Morris: This conversion routine matches up to the "Numerical Recipes" in C version from 2010-2100 CE, so I think we'll be ok for oscaar's purposes. """ jd=jd+0.5 Z=int(jd) F=jd-Z alpha=int((Z-1867216.25)/36524.25) A=Z + 1 + alpha - int(alpha/4) B = A + 1524 C = int( (B-122.1)/365.25) D = int( 365.25*C ) E = int( (B-D)/30.6001 ) dd = B - D - int(30.6001*E) + F if E<13.5: mm=E-1 if E>13.5: mm=E-13 if mm>2.5: yyyy=C-4716 if mm<2.5: yyyy=C-4715 months=["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] daylist=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] daylist2=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] h=int((dd-int(dd))*24) minutes=int((((dd-int(dd))*24)-h)*60) sec=86400*(dd-int(dd))-h*3600-minutes*60 # Now calculate the fractional year. Do we have a leap year? if (yyyy%4 != 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%400 == 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%100 == 0): days=daylist else: days=daylist2 hh = 24.0*(dd % 1.0) minutes = 60.0*(hh % 1.0) sec = 60.0*(minutes % 1.0) dd = int(dd-(dd%1.0)) hh = int(hh-(hh%1.0)) minutes = int(minutes-(minutes%1.0)) #print str(jd)+" = "+str(months[mm-1])+ ',' + str(dd) +',' +str(yyyy) #print str(h).zfill(2)+":"+str(minutes).zfill(2)+":"+str(sec).zfill(2)+" UTC" #print (yyyy, mm, dd, hh, minutes, sec) if returnString: return str(yyyy)+'-'+str(mm).zfill(2)+'-'+str(dd).zfill(2)+' '+str(hh).zfill(2)+':'+str(minutes).zfill(2)#+':'+str(sec)[0:2].zfill(2) else: return (yyyy, mm, dd, hh, minutes, sec)