Source code for oscaar.mathMethods

oscaar v2.0
Module for differential photometry

Developed by Brett Morris, 2011-2013

import math

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA

[docs]def ut2jd(ut): """ Convert times from Universal Time (UT) to Julian Date (JD) Parameters ---------- ut : string Time in Universal Time (UT) Returns ------- jd : float Julian Date (JD) """ [date, Time] = ut.split(';') Time = Time.strip() [year, month, day] = date.split('-') [hour, minute, sec] = Time.split(':') year = int(year) month = int(month) day = int(day) hour = int(hour) minute = int(minute) sec = float(sec) if month == 1 or month == 2: month += 12 year -= 1 a = year/100 b = a/4 c = 2-a+b d = day e = np.floor(365.25*(year+4716)) f = np.floor(30.6001*(month+1)) years = c+d+e+f-1524.5 fracOfDay = (hour/24.) + (minute/(24*60.)) + (sec/(24*60*60.)) jd = years + fracOfDay return jd
[docs]def ut2jdSplitAtT(ut): """ Convert times from Universal Time (UT) to Julian Date (JD), splitting the date and time at the "T" Parameters ---------- ut : string Time in Universal Time (UT) Returns ------- jd : float Julian Date (JD) """ [date, Time] = ut.split('T') Time = Time.strip() [year, month, day] = date.split('-') [hour, minute, sec] = Time.split(':') year = int(year) month = int(month) day = int(day) hour = int(hour) minute = int(minute) sec = float(sec) if month == 1 or month == 2: month += 12 year -= 1 a = year/100 b = a/4 c = 2-a+b d = day e = np.floor(365.25*(year+4716)) f = np.floor(30.6001*(month+1)) years = c+d+e+f-1524.5 fracOfDay = (hour/24.) + (minute/(24*60.)) + (sec/(24*60*60.)) jd = years + fracOfDay return jd
[docs]def regressionScale(comparisonFlux, targetFlux, time, ingress, egress, returncoeffs=False): """ Use a least-squares regression to stretch and offset a comparison star fluxes to scale them to the relative intensity of the target star. Only do this regression considering the out-of-transit portions of the light curve. Parameters ---------- comparisonFlux : numpy.ndarray Flux of a comparison star targetFlux : numpy.ndarray Flux of the target star time : numpy.ndarray List of times for each flux measurement in JD ingress : float Time of ingress (JD, assuming time list is in JD) egress : float Time of egress (JD, assuming time list is in JD) Returns ------- scaledVector : numpy.ndarray Rescaled version of the comparisonFlux vector using the above described process """ outOfTransit = (time < ingress) + (time > egress) regressMatrix = np.vstack([comparisonFlux[outOfTransit]]).T assert len(targetFlux[outOfTransit]) > 0, \ 'No fluxes marked as "out-of-transit" according to input ingress/egress' m = LA.lstsq(regressMatrix, targetFlux[outOfTransit])[0] scaledVector = m*comparisonFlux if returncoeffs: return scaledVector, m else: return scaledVector
[docs]def chiSquared(vector1, vector2): """Return :math:`$\chi^2$` (chi-squared) of two vectors""" return np.sum(np.power(vector1-vector2, 2))
[docs]def medianBin(time, flux, medianWidth): """ Produce median binning of a flux vector Parameters ---------- time : list or numpy.ndarray List of times in time series flux : list or numpy.ndarray List of fluxes, one for each time in `time` vector medianWidth : int Width of each bin in units of data points Returns ------- [binnedTime, binnedFlux, binnedStd] : [list, list, list] \ or [numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray] The times, fluxes and uncertainties on each binned point, where `binnedTime` is the time for each bin, `binnedFlux` is the median flux in each bin, and `binnedStd` is the standard deviation of the points within each bin """ numberBins = int(math.ceil(len(time)/float(medianWidth))) binnedTime = np.arange(numberBins, dtype=float) binnedFlux = np.arange(numberBins, dtype=float) binnedStd = np.arange(numberBins, dtype=float) for i in range(numberBins): fluxInBin = flux[i*medianWidth:(i+1)*medianWidth] binnedTime[i] = np.median(time[i*medianWidth:(i+1)*medianWidth]) binnedFlux[i] = np.median(fluxInBin) binnedStd[i] = np.std(fluxInBin)/np.sqrt(len(fluxInBin)) return binnedTime, binnedFlux, binnedStd