Source code for oscaar.fitting

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
import IO
import transitModel
from time import sleep
[docs]def fitLinearTrend(xVector,yVector): '''Fit a line to the set {xVectorCropped,yVectorCropped}, then remove that linear trend from the full set {xVector,yVector}''' print 'linearTrend' initP = [0.0,0.0] fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0]*x + p[1] errfunc = lambda p, x, y: (fitfunc(p,x) - y) bestFitP = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,initP[:],args=(xVector,yVector))[0] return bestFitP
[docs]def linearFunc(xVector,params): return xVector*params[0] + params[1]
[docs]def mcmc(t,flux,sigma,initParams,func,Nsteps,beta,saveInterval,verbose=False,loadingbar=True): """ Markov Chain Monte Carlo routine for fitting. Takes a set of fluxes `flux` measured at times `t` with uncertainties `sigma`. Input fitting function `func` is fed initial parameters `initParams` and iterated through the chains a total of `Nsteps` times, randomly sampled from normal distributions with widths `beta`, and every `saveInterval`-th state in the chain is saved for later analysis. Parameters ---------- t : list times flux : list fluxes sigma : list uncertainties in fluxes initParams : list initial parameter estimates, `x_0` in Ford 2005 func : function fitting function Nsteps : int number of iterations beta : list widths of normal distribution to randomly sample for each parameter saveInterval : int number of steps between "saving" the accepted parameter in the chain. Must satisfy ``Nsteps % saveInterval ==0``. Returns ------- bestp : list parameters at minimum chi^2 x_0toN : array trace of each parameter at each save step acceptanceRate: float the final acceptance rate of the chain Notes ----- * Developed by Brett Morris (NASA-GSFC/UMD) * Based on the theory codified by Ford 2005 [1]_ * Code implementation partly influenced by Ian Crossfield's routines: .. [1] Eric Ford. "Quantifying the Uncertainty in the Orbits of Extrasolar Planets." The Astronomical Journal, Volume 129, Issue 3, pp. 1706-1717. 2005. """ Nsteps = int(Nsteps) ## Type cast where necessary saveInterval = int(saveInterval) assert Nsteps % saveInterval == 0, ("Must choose integer number of `saveInterval`s in `Nsteps`. "+\ "Currently: Nsteps %% saveInterval = %.2f (should be zero)" % (Nsteps % saveInterval)) acceptedStates = 0 nout = Nsteps/saveInterval ## Prepare loading bar plot (if turned on) if loadingbar: plt.ion() statusBarFig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(5, 2), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') statusBarFig.canvas.set_window_title('Running...') statusBarAx = statusBarFig.add_subplot(111,aspect=10) statusBarAx.set_title('Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting...') statusBarAx.set_xlim([0,100]) statusBarAx.set_xlabel('Percent Complete (%)') statusBarAx.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ## Metropolis-Hastings algorithm... x_n = initParams ## initial trial state, **Step 1 in Ford 2005**, n=0 weights = 1./sigma**2 x_0toN = np.zeros([len(x_n),nout],dtype=float) allchi = np.zeros(nout,dtype=float) bestp = None ## Compute chi^2 using initial params trialModel = func(t,x_n) chisq_n = np.sum(((trialModel-flux)**2)*weights) chisq_min = 1e100 ## Set very high initial chi-squared that will get immediately overwritten for n in range(Nsteps): ## Update the loading bar every so often if loadingbar and n % 5000 == 0: plt.cla() statusBarAx.set_title('Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting...') statusBarAx.set_xlim([0,100]) statusBarAx.set_xlabel('Percent Complete (%)') statusBarAx.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) statusBarAx.barh([0],[100.0*n/Nsteps],[1],color='k') plt.draw() ## Generate trial step in parameters, **Step 2 in Ford 2005** x_nplus1 = np.random.normal(x_n,beta) ## ^^^ Sample gaussians with widths `beta` randomly centered ## about each parameter in `params` ## Should hold fixed constants and ensure pos-def here (not implementing) trialModel = func(t,x_nplus1) ## Calculate chisq for current step **Step 3 in Ford 2005** chisq_nplus1 = np.sum(((trialModel-flux)**2)*weights) ## Ratio of probability distributions, Eq. 9 of Ford 2005; **Step 4 in Ford 2005** ratioOfProbDist = np.exp((chisq_n - chisq_nplus1)/2.0) alpha = np.min([ratioOfProbDist,1])## Eq. 11 in Ford 2005 u = np.random.uniform(0,1) ## Draw random number on (0,1), **Step 5 in Ford 2005** if u <= alpha: ## If u<=alpha, accept this state x_n = np.copy(x_nplus1) chisq_n = chisq_nplus1 acceptedStates += 1 #elif u > alpha: x_nplus1 = x_n ## Implicit, commented out if chisq_nplus1 < chisq_min: ## If this chisq is minimum, record it bestp = np.copy(x_n) chisq_min = chisq_n if n % saveInterval == 0: ## Every `saveInterval`-th state, save it if verbose: print "Step",n,"of",Nsteps x_0toN[:,n/saveInterval] = np.copy(x_n) allchi[n/saveInterval] = chisq_n ## Calculate acceptance rate, should ideally be ~0.44 (Ford 2005) acceptanceRate = float(acceptedStates)/Nsteps plt.close() assert bestp is not None, "No best-fit found, chi^2 minimizing state not found" return bestp, x_0toN, acceptanceRate
[docs]def mcmc_iterate(t,flux,sigma,initParams,func,Nsteps,beta,saveInterval,verbose=False): """ MCMC routine specifically for optimizing the beta parameters with the optimizeBeta() function. Parameters ---------- t : list time flux : list fluxes sigma : list uncertainties in fluxes initParams : list initial parameter estimates, `x_0` in Ford 2005 func : function fitting function Nsteps : int number of steps to try in the chains beta : list widths of normal distribution to randomly sample for each parameter Returns ------- acceptanceRateArray : list Acceptance rates for each beta_mu Notes ----- * Developed by Brett Morris (NASA-GSFC/UMD) * Based on the theory codified by Ford (2005) [1] * Code implementation partly influenced by Ian Crossfield's routines: .. [1] Eric Ford. "Quantifying the Uncertainty in the Orbits of Extrasolar Planets." The Astronomical Journal, Volume 129, Issue 3, pp. 1706-1717. 2005. """ bestp = None timeout_counter = 0 while bestp == None: timeout_counter += 1 assert timeout_counter < 1e3, "mcmc_iterate time out: Your initial parameters are likely very poor,"+\ "and the MCMC script can't find a best-fit solution starting from them. Try better initial parameters." Niterations = 5*len(initParams)#20 ##40000 ## Hard coded in Evan's code as 4e4 ## Change one of the initial parameters at random per each iteration randomInitParamIndex = np.floor(np.random.uniform(0,len(initParams),Niterations)) ## array of random indices of initParams NacceptancesPerParameter = np.zeros(len(initParams)) ## initialize arrays NstepsPerParameter = np.zeros(len(initParams)) originalInitParams = np.copy(initParams) for i in range(Niterations): initParams = originalInitParams #print "Iteration",i,"of",Niterations testParamIndex = int(randomInitParamIndex[i]) ## This initParam index will be tested ## Only use physically valid parameters, for this example, make up validity rules: ## Keep slope between -0.2<m<0.2 and int between 0.0<intercept<1.0 continueTag = True #while initParams[0] > 0.2 or initParams[0] < -0.2 or initParams[1] > 1.0 or initParams[1] < 0.0 or continueTag: # initParams[testParamIndex] += np.random.normal(0,1)*beta[testParamIndex] ## np.random.normal(0,1) is equivalent to the IDL: randomn(seed,1) # continueTag = False initParams[testParamIndex] += np.random.normal(0,1)*beta[testParamIndex] Nsteps = int(Nsteps) ## Type cast where necessary saveInterval = int(saveInterval) assert Nsteps % saveInterval == 0, ("Must choose integer number of `saveInterval`s in `Nsteps`. "+\ "Currently: Nsteps %% saveInterval = %.2f (should be zero)" % (Nsteps % saveInterval)) acceptedStates = 0 nout = Nsteps/saveInterval ## Metropolis-Hastings algorithm... x_n = initParams ## initial trial state, **Step 1 in Ford 2005**, n=0 weights = 1./sigma**2 x_0toN = np.zeros([len(x_n),nout],dtype=float) allchi = np.zeros(nout,dtype=float) bestp = None ## Compute chi^2 using initial params trialModel = func(t,x_n) chisq_n = np.sum(((trialModel-flux)**2)*weights) chisq_min = 1e100 ## Set very high initial chi-squared that will get immediately overwritten for n in range(Nsteps): ## Generate trial step in parameters, **Step 2 in Ford 2005** x_nplus1 = np.random.normal(x_n,beta) ## ^^^ Sample gaussians with widths `beta` randomly centered ## about each parameter in `params` ## Should hold fixed constants and ensure pos-def here (not implementing) trialModel = func(t,x_nplus1) ## Calculate chisq for current step **Step 3 in Ford 2005** chisq_nplus1 = np.sum(((trialModel-flux)**2)*weights) ## Ratio of probability distributions, Eq. 9 of Ford 2005; **Step 4 in Ford 2005** ratioOfProbDist = np.exp((chisq_n - chisq_nplus1)/2.0) alpha = np.min([ratioOfProbDist,1])## Eq. 11 in Ford 2005 u = np.random.uniform(0,1) ## Draw random number on (0,1), **Step 5 in Ford 2005** if u <= alpha: ## If u<=alpha, accept this state x_n = np.copy(x_nplus1) chisq_n = chisq_nplus1 acceptedStates += 1 NacceptancesPerParameter[testParamIndex] += 1 NstepsPerParameter[testParamIndex] += 1 #elif u > alpha: x_nplus1 = x_n ## Implicit, commented out if chisq_nplus1 < chisq_min: ## If this chisq is minimum, record it bestp = np.copy(x_n) chisq_min = chisq_n if n % saveInterval == 0: ## Every `saveInterval`-th state, save it if verbose: print "Step",n,"of",Nsteps x_0toN[:,n/saveInterval] = np.copy(x_n) allchi[n/saveInterval] = chisq_n ## Calculate acceptance rate, should ideally be ~0.44 (Ford 2005) acceptanceRate = float(acceptedStates)/Nsteps #assert bestp is not None, "No best-fit found, chi^2 minimizing state not found" #return bestp, x_0toN, acceptanceRate acceptanceRateArray = NacceptancesPerParameter/NstepsPerParameter return acceptanceRateArray
[docs]def optimizeBeta(t,flux,sigma,initParams,func,beta,idealAcceptanceRate,plot=True): ''' The `beta` input parameters for the MCMC function determine the acceptance rate of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. According to Ford 2005, the ideal acceptance rate is ~0.25 - ~0.44. This routine is designed to take an initial guess for each of the beta parameters and tweak them until they produce good acceptance rates for each parameter. This is achieved by randomly perturbing each initial parameter with the small perturbation by randomly sampling a normal distribution with a width given by the initial beta vector `beta`. optimizeBeta() then tries running an MCMC chain briefly to find the acceptance rate for that beta parameter. If the acceptance rates are two high, for example, then the beta is too low, and optimizeBeta() will increase beta. This process continues until the beta vector produces acceptance rates within 10% of the `idealAcceptanceRate`, which according to Ford (2005) should be between 0.25-0.44. Parameters ---------- t : list time flux : list fluxes sigma : list uncertainties in fluxes initParams : list initial parameter estimates, `x_0` in Ford 2005 func : function fitting function beta : list widths of normal distribution to randomly sample for each parameter idealAcceptanceRate : float desired acceptance rate to be produced by the optimized `beta` Returns ------- beta : list the beta vector optimized so that running a MCMC chain should produce acceptance rates near `idealAcceptanceRate` (vector) Notes ----- * Developed by Brett Morris (NASA-GSFC/UMD) * Based on the theory codified by Ford (2005) [1]_ * Code implementation partly influenced by Evan Sinukoff's .. [1] Eric Ford. "Quantifying the Uncertainty in the Orbits of Extrasolar Planets." The Astronomical Journal, Volume 129, Issue 3, pp. 1706-1717. 2005. ''' Nsteps = len(initParams)*100.0 ## do N iterations per parameter saveInterval = 10.0 ## Save every Nth step acceptanceRateArray = mcmc_iterate(t,flux,sigma,initParams,func,Nsteps,beta,saveInterval,verbose=False) if plot: plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('Beta optimization...') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) axis.set_title("Optimizing the set of $\\beta_\mu$...") axis.set_xlabel("Optimization iteration") axis.set_ylabel("Acceptance Rate") axis.axhline(xmin=0,xmax=1,y=1.1*idealAcceptanceRate,linestyle="--",linewidth=2,color='r') axis.axhline(xmin=0,xmax=1,y=0.9*idealAcceptanceRate,linestyle="--",linewidth=2,color='r') for paramIndex in range(0,len(initParams)): ## For each random parameter to be changed, iterationCounter = 0 ## Count how many times the while loop has been run while any(acceptanceRateArray > 1.1*idealAcceptanceRate) or any(acceptanceRateArray < 0.9*idealAcceptanceRate): ## While the acceptance rate is unacceptable (Ford 2005), assert iterationCounter<1e2,"After 100 trials, the input beta parameters were not successfully optimized. Try new initial beta values." ## Calculate the acceptance rates for each individual beta parameter acceptanceRateArray = mcmc_iterate(t,flux,sigma,initParams,func,Nsteps,beta,saveInterval,verbose=False) ## If the acceptance rate is too high, the normal distributions sampled about each input parameter ## are not wide enough, so try increasing the beta_mu term by raising (acceptanceRate/idealAcceptanceRate) ## to a positive power `phi`, so that betaFactor = (acceptanceRate/idealAcceptanceRate)^phi > 1 and therefore ## beta_mu * betaFactor > beta_mu, i.e., the next beta_mu will be larger. ## If the acceptance rate is too low, take betaFactor < 1, and if the acceptance rate is good, take ## phi to be zero, i.e., betaFactor = 1.0, or "make no change in beta_mu on this step" phi = np.zeros(len(acceptanceRateArray)) ## Initialize `phi` array phi[acceptanceRateArray > 1.1*idealAcceptanceRate] = 1 phi[acceptanceRateArray < 0.9*idealAcceptanceRate] = 1 #phi[acceptanceRateArray > 1.4*idealAcceptanceRate] = 3 ## If very far from within the limits, use higher power #phi[acceptanceRateArray < 0.6*idealAcceptanceRate] = 3 phi[(acceptanceRateArray <= 1.1*idealAcceptanceRate)*(acceptanceRateArray >= 0.9*idealAcceptanceRate)] = 0 betaFactor = np.power(acceptanceRateArray/idealAcceptanceRate,phi) ## Change beta by a factor of `betaFactor betaFactor[betaFactor < 0.01] = 0.01 ## If betaFactor very small, limit it to 1/100 print "Betas:", beta beta *= betaFactor print "Optimizing each Beta_mu: acceptance rates for each parameter:", acceptanceRateArray print "Optimize by multiplying current beta by:",betaFactor iterationCounter += 1 if plot: for acceptanceRate in acceptanceRateArray: axis.plot(iterationCounter,acceptanceRate,marker='o',markersize=10,alpha=0.6,markeredgecolor='none') plt.xlim([0,iterationCounter+1]) plt.draw() plt.pause(1) if plot: sleep(1) ## Pause for a second so the user can see that the solution has been reached plt.ioff() plt.close() return beta
[docs]def get_uncertainties(param,bestFitParameter): """ Find the uncertainties from a MCMC parameter chain. Parameters ---------- param : list parameter chain from the completed MCMC algorithm bestFitParam : float the best-fit (chi-squared) minimizing value for the parameter chain Returns ------- [plus,minus] : list of floats the upper and lower 1-sigma uncertainties on the best fit parameter `bestFitParameter` """ lowerHalf = param[param < bestFitParameter] upperHalf = param[param > bestFitParameter] plus = np.sqrt(np.sum((upperHalf - bestFitParameter)**2)/(len(upperHalf)-1)) minus = np.sqrt(np.sum((lowerHalf - bestFitParameter)**2)/(len(lowerHalf)-1)) return [plus,minus]
# def histplot(parameter,axis,title,bestFitParameter): # """ # Plot a histogram with 50 bins displaying the parameter chain # frequencies for the chain `parameter` with best fit value # `bestFitParameter`. Name the figure after the parameter `title` # and plot it to the axis `axis`. # # """ # postburn = parameter[burnFraction*len(parameter):len(parameter)] ## Burn beginning of chain # Nbins = 50 ## Plot histograms with 15 bins # n, bins, patches = axis.hist(postburn, Nbins, normed=0, facecolor='white',histtype='stepfilled') ## Generate histogram # plus,minus = get_uncertainties(postburn,bestFitParameter) ## Calculate uncertainties on best fit parameter # axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter+plus,ls=':',color='r') ## Plot vertical lines representing uncertainties # axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter-minus,ls=':',color='r') # axis.set_ylim([0,np.max(n)]) # axis.set_title(title)
[docs]def updatePKL(bestp,allparams,acceptanceRate,pklPath,uncertainties): """ Load an OSCAAR pkl, add the MCMC parameters to the file, save it again. Parameters ---------- bestp : list best-fit values for each parameter allparams : array 2D array where each saved state of the chains is stored along one dimension, for each fitting parameter (along the other) acceptanceRate : float the final acceptance rate acheived in the chain pklPath : str path to the pkl to overwrite. """ data = IO.load(pklPath) data.updateMCMC(bestp,allparams,acceptanceRate,pklPath,uncertainties),pklPath)
[docs]class mcmcfit: def __init__(self,dataBankPath,initParams,initBeta,Nsteps,saveInterval,idealAcceptanceRate,burnFraction): ''' Initialize the `mcmc` object with the initial parameters and data needed to prepare the MCMC run. Parameters ---------- dataBankPath : string Path to a saved instance of the dataBank object from `` which we'll use to extract the times, fluxes and uncertainties in the light curve (string). initParams : list Initial parameter estimates, `x_0` in Ford 2005. Should be in the following order: RpOverRs,aOverRs,per,inc,gamma1,gamma2,ecc,longPericenter,t0 Nsteps : int number of steps/links in the MCMC chain initBeta : list widths of normal distribution to randomly sample for each parameter saveInterval : int number of steps between "saves", ie, storing the current step for later analysis idealAcceptanceRate : float ideal acceptance rate that you would like the chain to have, definied by Ford 2005. Ideally ~0.25-0.44. burnFraction : float fraction of saved steps at the beginning of the chains to discard when computing uncertainties. Typically ~0.20 ''' ## Load parameters = IO.load(dataBankPath) self.dataBankPath = dataBankPath self.initParams = np.require(initParams,dtype=np.float64) self.Nsteps = Nsteps self.initBeta = initBeta self.idealAcceptanceRate = idealAcceptanceRate self.saveInterval = saveInterval self.burnFraction = burnFraction ## Choose the implementation of transit light curve function to use: self.func = transitModel.occultquad
[docs] def run(self,updatepkl=False, apertureRadiusIndex=0): ''' Run the MCMC algorithms: Parameters ---------- updatepkl : bool, optional update the OSCAAR save pkl file from which the data had been loaded with the MCMC best fit parameters, parameter chains, and acceptance rate. apertureRadiusIndex : int, optional Integer index of the aperture radius for which you'd like to compute the MCMC fit, from the aperture radius range list ''' def occult4params(t,freeparams,allparams=self.initParams): '''Allow 4 parameters to vary freely, keep the others fixed at the values assigned below''' RpOverRs_free,aOverRs_free,inc_free,t0_free = freeparams RpOverRs,aOverRs,per,inc,gamma1,gamma2,ecc,longPericenter,t0 = allparams return transitModel.occultquad(t,[RpOverRs_free,aOverRs_free,per,inc_free,gamma1,gamma2,ecc,longPericenter,t0_free]) RpOverRs,aOverRs,per,inc,gamma1,gamma2,ecc,longPericenter,t0 = self.initParams initParams = [RpOverRs,aOverRs,inc,t0] beta = optimizeBeta(,[apertureRadiusIndex],[apertureRadiusIndex],\ initParams,occult4params,self.initBeta,idealAcceptanceRate=self.idealAcceptanceRate) self.bestp, self.allparams, self.acceptanceRate = mcmc(,[apertureRadiusIndex],\[apertureRadiusIndex],initParams,occult4params,self.Nsteps,beta,\ self.saveInterval,verbose=False,loadingbar=True) self.MCMCuncertainties = [] for i in range(len(self.allparams)): self.MCMCuncertainties.append(get_uncertainties(self.allparams[i],self.bestp[i])) print self.bestp,self.allparams,self.acceptanceRate print self.MCMCuncertainties if updatepkl: updatePKL(self.bestp,self.allparams,self.acceptanceRate,self.dataBankPath,self.MCMCuncertainties)
[docs] def plot(self, num=0): def occult4params(t,freeparams,allparams=self.initParams): '''Allow 4 parameters to vary freely, keep the others fixed at the values assigned below''' RpOverRs_free,aOverRs_free,inc_free,t0_free = freeparams RpOverRs,aOverRs,per,inc,gamma1,gamma2,ecc,longPericenter,t0 = allparams return transitModel.occultquad(t,[RpOverRs_free,aOverRs_free,per,inc_free,gamma1,gamma2,ecc,longPericenter,t0_free]) bestp = self.bestp allparams = self.allparams acceptanceRate = self.acceptanceRate data = IO.load(self.dataBankPath) burnFraction = self.burnFraction x = data.times y = data.lightCurves[num] sigma_y = data.lightCurveErrors[num] ############################## # Prepare figures plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure(num=0, figsize=(10, 10), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('MCMC Results: Chains') figLC = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') figLC.canvas.set_window_title('MCMC Results: Light Curve') LCax1 = figLC.add_subplot(211) LCax2 = figLC.add_subplot(212,sharex=LCax1) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(421) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(422) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(423) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(424) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(425) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(426) ax7 = fig.add_subplot(427) ax8 = fig.add_subplot(428) yfit = occult4params(x,bestp) LCax1.errorbar(x,y,yerr=sigma_y,fmt='o',color='k') LCax1.plot(x,yfit,'r',linewidth=3,alpha=0.75) LCax1.set_title("Fit with MCMC") LCax1.set_xlabel("Time (JD)") LCax1.set_ylabel("Relative Flux") def format_coord(x, y): # '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return "Time (JD): %.6f, Flux: %f" % (x,y) LCax1.format_coord = format_coord LCax2.errorbar(x,y-yfit,yerr=sigma_y,fmt='o',color='k') LCax2.axhline(xmin=0,xmax=1,y=0,ls=':',color='gray') LCax2.set_title("Fit Residuals") LCax2.set_xlabel("Time (JD)") LCax2.set_ylabel("Relative Flux") def format_coord(x, y): # '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return "Time (JD): %.6f, Flux: %f" % (x,y) LCax2.format_coord = format_coord ############################## # Plot traces and histograms of mcmc params p = allparams[0,:] ap = allparams[1,:] i = allparams[2,:] t0 = allparams[3,:] abscissa = np.arange(len(allparams[0,:])) ## Make x-axis for trace plots def chainplot(parameter,axis,title,format,burnFraction=burnFraction): #yfmt.set_powerlimits((-30,30)) #fmt2 = FormatStrFormatter('%.15f') #axis.yaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt2) axis.plot(abscissa,parameter,'k.') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=burnFraction*len(abscissa),linestyle=':',color='gray',linewidth=1.5) axis.set_title(title+" Chain") axis.set_xlabel('Saved Step Index') axis.set_ylabel(title) axis.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) def format_coord(x, y): # '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return format % (x,y) axis.format_coord = format_coord #yfmt = axis.yaxis.get_major_formatter() #yfmt.set_powerlimits((-50,50)) chainplot(p,ax1,'$R_p / R_s$','Step: %i, Rp/Rs: %f') chainplot(ap,ax3,'$a / R_s$','Step: %i, a/Rs: %f') chainplot(i,ax5,'Inclination','Step: %i, Inclination: %f') chainplot(t0,ax7,'Mid-Transit Time','Step: %i, Mid-Trans Time: %.6f') def histplot(parameter,axis,title,bestFitParameter,format): postburn = parameter[burnFraction*len(parameter):len(parameter)] ## Burn beginning of chain Nbins = 50 ## Plot histograms with 15 bins n, bins, patches = axis.hist(postburn, Nbins, normed=0, facecolor='white',histtype='stepfilled',linewidth=1.5) ## Generate histogram plus,minus = get_uncertainties(postburn,bestFitParameter) ## Calculate uncertainties on best fit parameter axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter+plus,ls='--',color='r',linewidth=1.5) ## Plot vertical lines representing uncertainties axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter-minus,ls='--',color='r',linewidth=1.5) axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter,color='r',linewidth=2) axis.set_ylabel('Frequency') axis.set_xlabel(title) axis.set_title(title) axis.set_ylim([0,np.max(n)]) def format_coord(x, y): # '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return format % (x,y) axis.format_coord = format_coord ## Plot the histograms histplot(p,ax2,'$R_p / R_s$',bestp[0],"Rp/Rs: %f, Freq: %i") histplot(ap,ax4,'$a / R_s$',bestp[1],"a/Rs: %f, Freq: %i") histplot(i,ax6,'Inclination',bestp[2],"Inclination: %f, Freq: %i") histplot(t0,ax8,'Mid-Transit Time',bestp[3],"Mid-Trans Time: %.6f, Freq: %i") #fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4,hspace=0.3,bottom=0.1, right=0.95, left=0.05, top=0.95) figLC.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4,hspace=0.2,bottom=0.1, right=0.9, left=0.1, top=0.95) fig.tight_layout() #plt.savefig("mcmc_results.png",bbox_inches='tight') ## Save plot