Source code for oscaar.extras.knownSystemParameters.returnSystemParams

import numpy as np
import os
import oscaar

System parameters for occultquad: 
p   = Rp/Rs     = planet radius/stellar radius
ap  = a/Rs      = semimajor axis/stellar radius
P   = period
i   = inclination
gamma1  = limb darkening, linear
gamma2  = limb darkening, quadratic
e       = eccentricity
longPericenter = logitude of pericenter
t0      =   mid-transit time
global exoplanetDB

[docs]def period(planet): '''Units: days''' try: return np.float64(exoplanetDB[planet]['PER']) except KeyError: return -1
[docs]def epoch(planet): '''Tc at mid-transit. Units: days''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['TT'] == '': return 0.0 else: return np.float64(exoplanetDB[planet]['TT'])
[docs]def aOverRs(planet): '''Returns semimajor axis over stellar radius (a/Rs)''' try: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['AR']) except KeyError: return -1
[docs]def depth(planet): '''Transit depth = (Rp/Rs)^2 ''' try: if exoplanetDB[planet]['DEPTH'] == '': return 0.0 else: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['DEPTH']) except KeyError: return -1
[docs]def RpOverRs(planet): '''Ratio of planet radius to stellar radius, derived from transit depth since depth=(Rp/Rs)^2''' temp = depth(planet) if temp == -1: return -1 else: return np.sqrt(depth(planet))
[docs]def inclination(planet): try: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['I']) except KeyError: return -1
[docs]def eccentricity(planet): try: if float(exoplanetDB[planet]['ECC']) == '': return 0.0 else: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['ECC']) except KeyError: return -1
[docs]def transiterParams(planet): '''Return accepted values for the fitting routine''' ## Load latest data from from getLatestParams import downloadAndPickle global exoplanetDB exoplanetDB = downloadAndPickle() return [RpOverRs(planet),aOverRs(planet),period(planet),inclination(planet),eccentricity(planet)]