Source code for oscaar.extras.knownSystemParameters.getLatestParams

import numpy as np
import cPickle
import os
from glob import glob
from urllib import urlopen
import urllib2
import oscaar
from time import time
from os.path import getmtime

[docs]def internet_connected(): '''If internet connection is available, return True.''' try: response=urllib2.urlopen('',timeout=10) return True except urllib2.URLError as err: pass return False
[docs]def downloadAndPickle(): pklDatabaseName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oscaar.__file__),'extras','knownSystemParameters','exoplanetDB.pkl') ## Name of exoplanet database C-pickle pklDatabasePaths = glob(pklDatabaseName) ## list of files with the name pklDatabaseName in cwd csvDatabaseName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oscaar.__file__),'extras','knownSystemParameters','exoplanets.csv') ## Path to the text file saved from csvDatabasePaths = glob(csvDatabaseName) '''First, check if there is an internet connection.''' if internet_connected(): print "Internet connection detected." else: print "WARNING: This script assumes that you're connected to the internet. This script may crash if you do not have an internet connection." '''If there's a previously archived database pickle in this current working directory then use it, if not, grab the data from in one big CSV file and make one. If the old archive is >14 days old, grab a fresh version of the database from ''' if csvDatabasePaths == []: print 'No local copy of database. Downloading one...' rawCSV = urlopen('').read() saveCSV = open(csvDatabaseName,'w') saveCSV.write(rawCSV) saveCSV.close() else: '''If the local copy of the database is >14 days old, download a new one''' secondsSinceLastModification = time() - getmtime(csvDatabaseName) ## in seconds daysSinceLastModification = secondsSinceLastModification/(60*60*24*30) if daysSinceLastModification > 14: print 'Your local copy of the database is >14 days old. Downloading a fresh one...' rawCSV = urlopen('').read() saveCSV = open(csvDatabaseName,'w') saveCSV.write(rawCSV) saveCSV.close() else: print "Your local copy of the database is <14 days old. That'll do." if len(pklDatabasePaths) == 0: print 'Parsing '+os.path.split(csvDatabaseName)[1]+', the CSV database from' rawTable = open(csvDatabaseName).read().splitlines() labels = rawTable[0].split(',') labelUnits = rawTable[1].split(',') rawTableArray = np.zeros([len(rawTable),len(labels)]) exoplanetDB = {} planetNameColumn = np.arange(len(labels))[np.array(labels,dtype=str)=='NAME'][0] for row in range(1,len(rawTable)): splitRow = rawTable[row].split(',') exoplanetDB[splitRow[planetNameColumn]] = {} ## Create dictionary for this row's planet for col in range(0,len(splitRow)): exoplanetDB[splitRow[planetNameColumn]][labels[col]] = splitRow[col] output = open(pklDatabaseName,'wb') cPickle.dump(exoplanetDB,output) output.close() else: print 'Using previously parsed database from' ''' Import data from, parsed by''' inputFile = open(pklDatabaseName,'rb') exoplanetDB = cPickle.load(inputFile) inputFile.close() return exoplanetDB