Source code for oscaar.extras.eph.calculateEphemerides

Ephemeris calculating tool that uses transit data from
and astrometric calculations by PyEphem to tell you what transits you'll
be able to observe from your observatory in the near future. citation: Wright et al.2011

Core developer: Brett Morris
import ephem	 ## PyEphem module
import numpy as np
#from ephemeris import gd2jd, jd2gd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from glob import glob
from os import getcwd, sep
from time import time
import os.path
import oscaar
import sys

[docs]def calculateEphemerides(parFile): ''' :INPUTS: parFile -- path to the parameter file ''' #parFile = 'umo.par' '''Parse the observatory .par file''' parFileText = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oscaar.__file__),'extras','eph','observatories',parFile),'r').read().splitlines() def returnBool(value): '''Return booleans from strings''' if value.upper().strip() == 'TRUE': return True elif value.upper().strip() == 'FALSE': return False if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): show_lt = float(0) for line in parFileText: parameter = line.split(':')[0] if len(line.split(':')) > 1: value = line.split(':')[1].strip() if parameter == 'name': observatory_name = value elif parameter == 'latitude': observatory_latitude = value elif parameter == 'longitude': observatory_longitude = value elif parameter == 'elevation': observatory_elevation = float(value) elif parameter == 'temperature': observatory_temperature = float(value) elif parameter == 'min_horizon': observatory_minHorizon = value elif parameter == 'start_date': startSem = gd2jd(eval(value)) elif parameter == 'end_date': endSem = gd2jd(eval(value)) elif parameter == 'mag_limit': mag_limit = float(value) elif parameter == 'band': band = value elif parameter == 'depth_limit': depth_limit = float(value) elif parameter == 'calc_transits': calcTransits = returnBool(value) elif parameter == 'calc_eclipses': calcEclipses = returnBool(value) elif parameter == 'html_out': htmlOut = returnBool(value) elif parameter == 'text_out': textOut = returnBool(value) elif parameter == 'twilight': twilightType = value elif parameter == 'show_lt': show_lt = float(value) from oscaar.extras.knownSystemParameters import getLatestParams exoplanetDB = getLatestParams.downloadAndPickle() ''' Set up observatory parameters ''' observatory = ephem.Observer() = observatory_latitude#'38:58:50.16' ## Input format- deg:min:sec (type=str) observatory.long = observatory_longitude#'-76:56:13.92' ## Input format- deg:min:sec (type=str) observatory.elevation = observatory_elevation # m observatory.temp = observatory_temperature ## Celsius observatory.horizon = observatory_minHorizon ## Input format- deg:min:sec (type=str) def trunc(f, n): '''Truncates a float f to n decimal places without rounding''' slen = len('%.*f' % (n, f)) return str(f)[:slen] def RA(planet): '''Type: str, Units: hours:min:sec''' return exoplanetDB[planet]['RA_STRING'] def dec(planet): '''Type: str, Units: deg:min:sec''' return exoplanetDB[planet]['DEC_STRING'] def period(planet): '''Units: days''' return np.float64(exoplanetDB[planet]['PER']) def epoch(planet): '''Tc at mid-transit. Units: days''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['TT'] == '': return 0.0 else: return np.float64(exoplanetDB[planet]['TT']) def duration(planet): '''Transit/eclipse duration. Units: days''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['T14'] == '': return 0.0 else: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['T14']) def V(planet): '''V mag''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['V'] == '': return 0.0 else: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['V']) def KS(planet): '''KS mag''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['KS'] == '': return 0.0 else: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['KS']) def bandMagnitude(planet): if band.upper() == 'V': return V(planet) elif band.upper() == 'K': return KS(planet) def depth(planet): '''Transit depth''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['DEPTH'] == '': return 0.0 else: return float(exoplanetDB[planet]['DEPTH']) def transitBool(planet): '''True if exoplanet is transiting, False if detected by other means''' if exoplanetDB[planet]['TRANSIT'] == '0': return 0 elif exoplanetDB[planet]['TRANSIT'] == '1': return 1 ######################################################################################## ######################################################################################## def datestr2list(datestr): ''' Take strings of the form: "2013/1/18 20:08:18" and return them as a tuple of the same parameters''' year,month,others = datestr.split('/') day, time = others.split(' ') hour,minute,sec = time.split(':') return (int(year),int(month),int(day),int(hour),int(minute),int(sec)) def list2datestr(inList): '''Converse function to datestr2list''' inList = map(str,inList) return inList[0]+'/'+inList[1]+'/'+inList[2]+' '+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].zfill(2)+':'+inList[5].zfill(2) def list2datestrCSV(inList): '''Converse function to datestr2list''' inList = map(str,inList) print inList return inList[0]+'/'+inList[1]+'/'+inList[2]+','+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].zfill(2)+':'+inList[5].zfill(2) def list2datestrHTML(inList,alt,direction): '''Converse function to datestr2list''' inList = map(str,inList) #return inList[1].zfill(2)+'/'+inList[2].zfill(2)+'<br />'+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].zfill(2) return inList[1].zfill(2)+'/<strong>'+inList[2].zfill(2)+'</strong>, '+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].split('.')[0].zfill(2)+'<br /> '+alt+'&deg; '+direction def list2datestrHTML_UTnoaltdir(inList,alt,direction): '''Converse function to datestr2list''' inList = map(str,inList) #return inList[1].zfill(2)+'/'+inList[2].zfill(2)+'<br />'+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].zfill(2) return inList[1].zfill(2)+'/<strong>'+inList[2].zfill(2)+'</strong>, '+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].split('.')[0].zfill(2) def list2datestrHTML_LT(inList,alt,direction): '''Converse function to datestr2list for daylight savings time''' #print "original",inList tempDate = ephem.Date(inList) inList = ephem.Date(ephem.localtime(tempDate)).tuple() #print "converted",lt_inList,'\n' inList = map(str,inList) #return inList[1].zfill(2)+'/'+inList[2].zfill(2)+'<br />'+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].zfill(2) return inList[1].zfill(2)+'/<strong>'+inList[2].zfill(2)+'</strong>, '+inList[3].zfill(2)+':'+inList[4].split('.')[0].zfill(2)+'<br /> '+alt+'&deg; '+direction def simbadURL(planet): if exoplanetDB[planet]['SIMBADURL'] == '': return '' else: return exoplanetDB[planet]['SIMBADURL'] def RADecHTML(planet): return '<a href="'+simbadURL(planet)+'">'+RA(planet).split('.')[0]+'<br />'+dec(planet).split('.')[0]+'</a>' def constellation(planet): return exoplanetDB[planet]['Constellation'] def orbitReference(planet): return exoplanetDB[planet]['TRANSITURL'] def orbitReferenceYear(planet): '''ORBREF returns the citation in the format "<first author> <year>", so parse and return just the year''' return exoplanetDB[planet]['ORBREF'].split()[1] def nameWithLink(planet): return '<a href="'+orbitReference(planet)+'">'+planet+'</a>' def mass(planet): if exoplanetDB[planet]['MASS'] == '': return '---' else: return trunc(float(exoplanetDB[planet]['MASS']),2) def semimajorAxis(planet): #return trunc(0.004649*float(exoplanetDB[planet]['AR'])*float(exoplanetDB[planet]['RSTAR']),3) ## Convert from solar radii to AU return trunc(float(exoplanetDB[planet]['SEP']),3) def radius(planet): if exoplanetDB[planet]['R'] == '': return '---' else: return trunc(float(exoplanetDB[planet]['R']),2) ## Convert from solar radii to Jupiter radii def midTransit(Tc, P, start, end): '''Calculate mid-transits between Julian Dates start and end, using a 2500 orbital phase kernel since T_c (for 2 day period, 2500 phases is 14 years) ''' Nepochs = np.arange(0,2500,dtype=np.float64) transitTimes = Tc + P*Nepochs transitTimesInSem = transitTimes[(transitTimes < end)*(transitTimes > start)] return transitTimesInSem def midEclipse(Tc, P, start, end): '''Calculate mid-eclipses between Julian Dates start and end, using a 2500 orbital phase kernel since T_c (for 2 day period, 2500 phases is 14 years) ''' Nepochs = np.arange(0,2500,dtype=np.float64) transitTimes = Tc + P*(0.5 + Nepochs) transitTimesInSem = transitTimes[(transitTimes < end)*(transitTimes > start)] return transitTimesInSem '''Choose which planets from the database to include in the search, assemble a list of them.''' planets = [] for planet in exoplanetDB: if bandMagnitude(planet) != 0.0 and depth(planet) != 0.0 and float(bandMagnitude(planet)) <= mag_limit and \ float(depth(planet)) >= depth_limit and transitBool(planet): planets.append(planet) if calcTransits: transits = {} if calcEclipses: eclipses = {} for day in np.arange(startSem,endSem+1): if calcTransits: transits[str(day)] = [] if calcEclipses: eclipses[str(day)] = [] planetsNeverUp = [] def azToDirection(az): az = float(az) if (az >= 0 and az < 22.5) or (az >= 337.5 and az < 360): return 'N' elif az >= 22.5 and az < 67.5: return 'NE' elif az >= 67.5 and az < 112.5: return 'E' elif az >= 112.5 and az < 157.5: return 'SE' elif az >= 157.5 and az < 202.5: return 'S' elif az >= 202.5 and az < 247.5: return 'SW' elif az >= 247.5 and az < 292.5: return 'W' elif az >= 292.5 and az < 337.5: return 'NW' def ingressEgressAltAz(planet,observatory,ingress,egress): altitudes = [] directions = [] for time in [ingress,egress]: = list2datestr(jd2gd(time)) star = ephem.FixedBody() star._ra = ephem.hours(RA(planet)) star._dec = ephem.degrees(dec(planet)) star.compute(observatory) altitudes.append(str(ephem.degrees(star.alt)).split(":")[0]) directions.append(azToDirection(str(ephem.degrees(":")[0])) ingressAlt,egressAlt = altitudes ingressDir,egressDir = directions return ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir def aboveHorizonForEvent(planet,observatory,ingress,egress): altitudes = [] for time in [ingress,egress]: = list2datestr(jd2gd(time)) star = ephem.FixedBody() star._ra = ephem.hours(RA(planet)) star._dec = ephem.degrees(dec(planet)) star.compute(observatory) #altitudes.append(str(ephem.degrees(star.alt)).split(":")[0]) altitudes.append(float(repr(star.alt))/(2*np.pi) * 360) ## Convert altitudes to degrees #if altitudes[0] > 0 and altitudes[1] > 0: return True if altitudes[0] > float(ephem.degrees(observatory_minHorizon))*(180/np.pi) and altitudes[1] > float(ephem.degrees(observatory_minHorizon))*(180/np.pi): return True else: return False def eventAfterTwilight(planet,observatory,ingress,egress,twilightType): altitudes = [] for time in [ingress,egress]: = list2datestr(jd2gd(time)) sun = ephem.Sun() sun.compute(observatory) altitudes.append(float(repr(sun.alt))/(2*np.pi) * 360) ## Convert altitudes to degrees if altitudes[0] < float(twilightType) and altitudes[1] < float(twilightType): return True else: return False for planet in planets: '''Compute all of the coming transits and eclipses for a long time out''' allTransitEpochs = midTransit(epoch(planet),period(planet),startSem,endSem) allEclipseEpochs = midEclipse(epoch(planet),period(planet),startSem,endSem) for day in np.arange(startSem,endSem+1,1.0): try: '''For each day, gather the transits and eclipses that happen''' transitEpochs = allTransitEpochs[(allTransitEpochs <= day+0.5)*(allTransitEpochs > day-0.5)] eclipseEpochs = allEclipseEpochs[(allEclipseEpochs <= day+0.5)*(allEclipseEpochs > day-0.5)] if calcTransits and len(transitEpochs) != 0: transitEpoch = transitEpochs[0] ingress = transitEpoch-duration(planet)/2 egress = transitEpoch+duration(planet)/2 ''' Calculate positions of host stars''' star = ephem.FixedBody() star._ra = ephem.hours(RA(planet)) star._dec = ephem.degrees(dec(planet)) star.compute(observatory) exoplanetDB[planet]['Constellation'] = ephem.constellation(star)[0] '''If star is above horizon and sun is below horizon during transit/eclipse:''' if aboveHorizonForEvent(planet,observatory,ingress,egress) and eventAfterTwilight(planet,observatory,ingress,egress,twilightType): ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir = ingressEgressAltAz(planet,observatory,ingress,egress) transitInfo = [planet,transitEpoch,duration(planet)/2,'transit',ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir] transits[str(day)].append(transitInfo) if calcEclipses and len(eclipseEpochs) != 0: eclipseEpoch = eclipseEpochs[0] ingress = eclipseEpoch-duration(planet)/2 egress = eclipseEpoch+duration(planet)/2 ''' Calculate positions of host stars''' star = ephem.FixedBody() star._ra = ephem.hours(RA(planet)) star._dec = ephem.degrees(dec(planet)) star.compute(observatory) exoplanetDB[planet]['Constellation'] = ephem.constellation(star)[0] if aboveHorizonForEvent(planet,observatory,ingress,egress) and eventAfterTwilight(planet,observatory,ingress,egress,twilightType): ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir = ingressEgressAltAz(planet,observatory,ingress,egress) eclipseInfo = [planet,eclipseEpoch,duration(planet)/2,'eclipse',ingressAlt,ingressDir,egressAlt,egressDir] eclipses[str(day)].append(eclipseInfo) except ephem.NeverUpError: if str(planet) not in planetsNeverUp: print 'Note: planet %s is never above the horizon at this observing location.' % (planet) planetsNeverUp.append(str(planet)) def removeEmptySets(dictionary): '''Remove days where there were no transits/eclipses from the transit/eclipse list dictionary. Can't iterate through the transits dictionary with a for loop because it would change length as keys get deleted, so loop through with while loop until all entries are not empty sets''' dayCounter = startSem while any(dictionary[day] == [] for day in dictionary): if dictionary[str(dayCounter)] == []: del dictionary[str(dayCounter)] dayCounter += 1 if calcTransits: removeEmptySets(transits) if calcEclipses: removeEmptySets(eclipses) events = {} def mergeDictionaries(dict): for key in dict: if any(key == eventKey for eventKey in events) == False: ## If key does not exist in events, if np.shape(dict[key])[0] == 1: ## If new event is the only one on that night, add only it events[key] = [dict[key][0]] else: ## If there were multiple events that night, add them each events[key] = [] for event in dict[key]: events[key].append(event) else: if np.shape(dict[key])[0] > 1: ## If there are multiple entries to append, for event in dict[key]: events[key].append(event) else: ## If there is only one to add, events[key].append(dict[key][0]) if calcTransits: mergeDictionaries(transits) if calcEclipses: mergeDictionaries(eclipses) if textOut: allKeys = events.keys() allKeys = np.array(allKeys)[np.argsort(allKeys)] report = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oscaar.__file__),'extras','eph','ephOutputs','eventReport.csv'),'w') firstLine = 'Planet,Event,Ingress Date, Ingress Time (UT) ,Altitude at Ingress,Azimuth at Ingress,Egress Date, Egress Time (UT) ,Altitude at Egress,Azimuth at Egress,V mag,Depth,Duration,RA,Dec,Const.,Mass,Semimajor Axis (AU),Radius (R_J)\n' report.write(firstLine) for key in allKeys: def writeCSVtransit(): middle = ','.join([planet[0],str(planet[3]),list2datestrCSV(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2]))),planet[4],planet[5],\ list2datestrCSV(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2]))),planet[6],planet[7],trunc(bandMagnitude(str(planet[0])),2),\ trunc(depth(planet[0]),4),trunc(24.0*duration(planet[0]),2),RA(planet[0]),dec(planet[0]),constellation(planet[0]),\ mass(planet[0]),semimajorAxis(planet[0]),radius(planet[0])]) line = middle+'\n' report.write(line) def writeCSVeclipse(): middle = ','.join([planet[0],str(planet[3]),list2datestrCSV(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2]))),planet[4],planet[5],\ list2datestrCSV(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2]))),planet[6],planet[7],trunc(bandMagnitude(str(planet[0])),2),\ trunc(depth(planet[0]),4),trunc(24.0*duration(planet[0]),2),RA(planet[0]),dec(planet[0]),constellation(planet[0]),\ mass(planet[0]),semimajorAxis(planet[0]),radius(planet[0])]) line = middle+'\n' report.write(line) if np.shape(events[key])[0] > 1: elapsedTime = [] for i in range(1,len(events[key])): nextPlanet = events[key][1] planet = events[key][0] double = False '''If the other planet's ingress is before this one's egress, then''' if ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]-nextPlanet[2])))) -\ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])))) > 0.0: double = True elapsedTime.append(ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]-nextPlanet[2])))) - \ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2]))))) if ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])))) - \ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]+nextPlanet[2])))) > 0.0: '''If the other planet's egress is before this one's ingress, then''' double = True elapsedTime.append(ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])))) - \ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]+nextPlanet[2]))))) for planet in events[key]: if calcTransits and planet[3] == 'transit': writeCSVtransit() if calcEclipses and planet[3] == 'eclipse': writeCSVeclipse() elif np.shape(events[key])[0] == 1: planet = events[key][0] if calcTransits and planet[3] == 'transit': writeCSVtransit() if calcEclipses and planet[3] == 'eclipse': writeCSVeclipse() # report.write('\n') report.close() #print exoplanetDB['HD 209458 b'] print ' Done' if htmlOut: '''Write out a text report with the transits/eclipses. Write out the time of ingress, egress, whether event is transit/eclipse, elapsed in time between ingress/egress of the temporally isolated events''' report = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oscaar.__file__),'extras','eph','ephOutputs','eventReport.html'),'w') allKeys = events.keys() ## htmlheader = '\n'.join([ '<!doctype html>',\ '<html>',\ ' <head>',\ ' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />',\ ' <title>Ephemeris</title>',\ ' <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheetEphem.css" type="text/css" />',\ ' <script type="text/javascript">',\ ' function changeCSS(cssFile, cssLinkIndex) {',\ ' var oldlink = document.getElementsByTagName("link").item(cssLinkIndex);',\ ' var newlink = document.createElement("link")',\ ' newlink.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");',\ ' newlink.setAttribute("type", "text/css");',\ ' newlink.setAttribute("href", cssFile);',\ ' document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0).replaceChild(newlink, oldlink);',\ ' }',\ ' </script>',\ ' <script src="./sorttable.js"></script>',\ ' </head>',\ ' <body>',\ ' <div id="textDiv">',\ ' <h1>Ephemerides for: '+observatory_name+'</h1>',\ ' <h2>Observing dates (UT): '+list2datestr(jd2gd(startSem)).split(' ')[0]+' - '+list2datestr(jd2gd(endSem)).split(' ')[0]+'</h2>' ' Click the column headers to sort. ',\ ' <table class="daynight" id="eph">',\ ' <tr><th colspan=2>Toggle Color Scheme</th></tr>',\ ' <tr><td><a href="#" onclick="changeCSS(\'stylesheetEphem.css\', 0);">Day</a></td><td><a href="#" onclick="changeCSS(\'stylesheetEphemDark.css\', 0);">Night</a></td></tr>',\ ' </table>']) if show_lt == 0: tableheader = '\n'.join([ '\n <table class="sortable" id="eph">',\ ' <tr> <th>Planet<br /><span class="small">[Link: Orbit ref.]</span></th> <th>Event<br /><span class="small">[Transit/<br />Eclipse]</span></th> <th>Ingress <br /><span class="small">(MM/DD<br />HH:MM, UT)</span></th> <th>Egress <br /><span class="small">(MM/DD<br />HH:MM, (UT), Alt., Dir.)</span></th>'+\ '<th>'+band.upper()+'</th> <th>Depth<br />(mag)</th> <th>Duration<br />(hrs)</th> <th>RA/Dec<br /><span class="small">[Link: Simbad ref.]</span></th> <th>Const.</th> <th>Mass<br />(M<sub>J</sub>)</th>'+\ '<th>Radius<br />(R<sub>J</sub>)</th> <th>Ref. Year</th></tr>']) else: tableheader = '\n'.join([ '\n <table class="sortable" id="eph">',\ ' <tr> <th>Planet<br /><span class="small">[Link: Orbit ref.]</span></th> <th>Event<br /><span class="small">[Transit/<br />Eclipse]</span></th> <th>Ingress <br /><span class="small">(MM/DD<br />HH:MM (LT), Alt., Dir.)</span></th> <th>Egress <br /><span class="small">(MM/DD<br />HH:MM (LT), Alt., Dir.)</span></th> '+\ '<th>'+band.upper()+'</th> <th>Depth<br />(mag)</th> <th>Duration<br />(hrs)</th> <th>RA/Dec<br /><span class="small">[Link: Simbad ref.]</span></th> <th>Const.</th> <th>Mass<br />(M<sub>J</sub>)</th>'+\ ' <th>Radius<br />(R<sub>J</sub>)</th> <th>Ref. Year</th> <th>Ingress <br /><span class="small">(MM/DD<br />HH:MM (UT))</span></th> <th>Egress <br /><span class="small">(MM/DD<br />HH:MM, (UT))</span></th></tr>']) tablefooter = '\n'.join([ '\n </table>',\ ' <br /><br />',]) htmlfooter = '\n'.join([ '\n <p class="headinfo">',\ ' Developed by Brett Morris with great gratitude for the help of <a href="">PyEphem</a>,<br/>',\ ' and for up-to-date exoplanet parameters from <a href=""></a> (<a href="">Wright et al. 2011</a>).<br />',\ ' </p>',\ ' </div>',\ ' </body>',\ '</html>']) report.write(htmlheader) report.write(tableheader) allKeys = np.array(allKeys)[np.argsort(allKeys)] for key in allKeys: def writeHTMLtransit(): indentation = ' ' if show_lt != 0: middle = '</td><td>'.join([nameWithLink(planet[0]),str(planet[3]),list2datestrHTML_LT(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])),planet[4],planet[5]),\ list2datestrHTML_LT(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])),planet[6],planet[7]),trunc(bandMagnitude(str(planet[0])),2),\ trunc(depth(planet[0]),4),trunc(24.0*duration(planet[0]),2),RADecHTML(planet[0]),constellation(planet[0]),\ mass(planet[0]),radius(planet[0]),orbitReferenceYear(planet[0]),list2datestrHTML_UTnoaltdir(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])),planet[4],planet[5]),\ list2datestrHTML_UTnoaltdir(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])),planet[6],planet[7])]) else: middle = '</td><td>'.join([nameWithLink(planet[0]),str(planet[3]),list2datestrHTML(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])),planet[4],planet[5]),\ list2datestrHTML(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])),planet[6],planet[7]),trunc(bandMagnitude(str(planet[0])),2),\ trunc(depth(planet[0]),4),trunc(24.0*duration(planet[0]),2),RADecHTML(planet[0]),constellation(planet[0]),\ mass(planet[0]),radius(planet[0]),orbitReferenceYear(planet[0])]) line = indentation+'<tr><td>'+middle+'</td></tr>\n' report.write(line) def writeHTMLeclipse(): indentation = ' ' if show_lt != 0: middle = '</td><td>'.join([nameWithLink(planet[0]),str(planet[3]),list2datestrHTML_LT(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])),planet[4],planet[5]),\ list2datestrHTML_LT(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])),planet[6],planet[7]),trunc(bandMagnitude(str(planet[0])),2),\ '---',trunc(24.0*duration(planet[0]),2),RADecHTML(planet[0]),constellation(planet[0]),\ mass(planet[0]),radius(planet[0]),orbitReferenceYear(planet[0]),list2datestrHTML_UTnoaltdir(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])),planet[4],planet[5]),\ list2datestrHTML_UTnoaltdir(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])),planet[6],planet[7])]) else: middle = '</td><td>'.join([nameWithLink(planet[0]),str(planet[3]),list2datestrHTML(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])),planet[4],planet[5]),\ list2datestrHTML(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])),planet[6],planet[7]),trunc(bandMagnitude(str(planet[0])),2),\ '---',trunc(24.0*duration(planet[0]),2),RADecHTML(planet[0]),constellation(planet[0]),\ mass(planet[0]),radius(planet[0]),orbitReferenceYear(planet[0])]) line = indentation+'<tr><td>'+middle+'</td></tr>\n' report.write(line) if np.shape(events[key])[0] > 1: elapsedTime = [] for i in range(1,len(events[key])): nextPlanet = events[key][1] planet = events[key][0] double = False '''If the other planet's ingress is before this one's egress, then''' if ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]-nextPlanet[2])))) -\ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2])))) > 0.0: double = True elapsedTime.append(ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]-nextPlanet[2])))) - \ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]+planet[2]))))) if ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])))) - \ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]+nextPlanet[2])))) > 0.0: '''If the other planet's egress is before this one's ingress, then''' double = True elapsedTime.append(ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(planet[1]-planet[2])))) - \ ephem.Date(list2datestr(jd2gd(float(nextPlanet[1]+nextPlanet[2]))))) for planet in events[key]: if calcTransits and planet[3] == 'transit': writeHTMLtransit() if calcEclipses and planet[3] == 'eclipse': writeHTMLeclipse() elif np.shape(events[key])[0] == 1: planet = events[key][0] if calcTransits and planet[3] == 'transit': writeHTMLtransit() if calcEclipses and planet[3] == 'eclipse': writeHTMLeclipse() report.write(tablefooter) report.write(htmlfooter) report.close()
#print exoplanetDB['HD 209458 b'] """ Functions for handling dates. Contains: gd2jd -- converts gregorian date to julian date jd2gd -- converts julian date to gregorian date Wish list: Function to convert heliocentric julian date! These functions were taken from Enno Middleberg's site of useful astronomical python references: "Feel free to download, use, modify and pass on these scripts, but please do not remove my name from it." --E. Middleberg """ # 2009-02-15 13:12 IJC: Converted to importable function
[docs]def gd2jd(*date): """ converts a UT Gregorian date to Julian date. Usage: (2009, 02, 25, 01, 59, 59) To get the current Julian date: import time gd2jd(time.gmtime()) Hours, minutesutes and/or seconds can be omitted -- if so, they are assumed to be zero. Year and month are converted to type INT, but all others can be type FLOAT (standard practice would suggest only the final element of the date should be float) """ #print date #print date[0] date = date[0] date = list(date) if len(date)<3: print "You must enter a date of the form (2009, 02, 25)!" return -1 elif len(date)==3: for ii in range(3): date.append(0) elif len(date)==4: for ii in range(2): date.append(0) elif len(date)==5: date.append(0) yyyy = int(date[0]) mm = int(date[1]) dd = float(date[2]) hh = float(date[3]) minutes = float(date[4]) sec = float(date[5]) #print yyyy,mm,dd,hh,minutes,sec UT=hh+minutes/60+sec/3600 #print "UT="+`UT` total_seconds=hh*3600+minutes*60+sec fracday=total_seconds/86400 #print "Fractional day: %f" % fracday # print dd,mm,yyyy, hh,minutes,sec, UT if (100*yyyy+mm-190002.5)>0: sig=1 else: sig=-1 JD = 367*yyyy - int(7*(yyyy+int((mm+9)/12))/4) + int(275*mm/9) + dd + 1721013.5 + UT/24 - 0.5*sig +0.5 months=["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] #print "\n"+months[mm-1]+" %i, %i, %i:%i:%i UT = JD %f" % (dd, yyyy, hh, minutes, sec, JD), # Now calculate the fractional year. Do we have a leap year? daylist=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] daylist2=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] if (yyyy%4 != 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%400 == 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%100 == 0): days=daylist else: days=daylist2 daysum=0 for y in range(mm-1): daysum=daysum+days[y] daysum=daysum+dd-1+UT/24 if days[1]==29: fracyear=yyyy+daysum/366 else: fracyear=yyyy+daysum/365 #print " = " + `fracyear`+"\n" return JD
[docs]def jd2gd(jd,returnString=False): """Task to convert a list of julian dates to gregorian dates description at Original algorithm in Jean Meeus, "Astronomical Formulae for Calculators" 2009-02-15 13:36 IJC: Converted to importable, callable function Note from author: This script is buggy and reports Julian dates which are off by a day or two, depending on how far back you go. For example, 11 March 1609 converted to JD will be off by two days. 20th and 21st century seem to be fine, though. Note from Brett Morris: This conversion routine matches up to the "Numerical Recipes" in C version from 2010-2100 CE, so I think we'll be ok for oscaar's purposes. """ jd=jd+0.5 Z=int(jd) F=jd-Z alpha=int((Z-1867216.25)/36524.25) A=Z + 1 + alpha - int(alpha/4) B = A + 1524 C = int( (B-122.1)/365.25) D = int( 365.25*C ) E = int( (B-D)/30.6001 ) dd = B - D - int(30.6001*E) + F if E<13.5: mm=E-1 if E>13.5: mm=E-13 if mm>2.5: yyyy=C-4716 if mm<2.5: yyyy=C-4715 months=["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] daylist=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] daylist2=[31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] h=int((dd-int(dd))*24) minutes=int((((dd-int(dd))*24)-h)*60) sec=86400*(dd-int(dd))-h*3600-minutes*60 # Now calculate the fractional year. Do we have a leap year? if (yyyy%4 != 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%400 == 0): days=daylist2 elif (yyyy%100 == 0): days=daylist else: days=daylist2 hh = 24.0*(dd % 1.0) minutes = 60.0*(hh % 1.0) sec = 60.0*(minutes % 1.0) dd = int(dd-(dd%1.0)) hh = int(hh-(hh%1.0)) minutes = int(minutes-(minutes%1.0)) #print str(jd)+" = "+str(months[mm-1])+ ',' + str(dd) +',' +str(yyyy) #print str(h).zfill(2)+":"+str(minutes).zfill(2)+":"+str(sec).zfill(2)+" UTC" #print (yyyy, mm, dd, hh, minutes, sec) if returnString: return str(yyyy)+'-'+str(mm).zfill(2)+'-'+str(dd).zfill(2)+' '+str(hh).zfill(2)+':'+str(minutes).zfill(2)#+':'+str(sec)[0:2].zfill(2) else: return (yyyy, mm, dd, hh, minutes, sec)