Source code for oscaar.dataBank

'''oscaar v2.0
    Module for differential photometry
    Developed by Brett Morris, 2011-2013 & minor modifications by Luuk Visser
import numpy as np
import pyfits
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import optimize
from glob import glob

import os
import re
import oscaar
import mathMethods
import sys
import systematics
oscaarpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(oscaar.__file__))
oscaarpathplus = os.path.join(oscaarpath,'extras')

[docs]class dataBank: ''' Methods for easily storing and accessing information from the entire differential photometry process with OSCAAR. Core Developer: Brett Morris ''' def __init__(self, initParFilePath=None): """ Get the inital guesses for the initial centroids of the stars from the DS9 regions file, create dictionaries in which to store all of the data collected for each star, and for each aperture radius. Allocate the memory for these arrays wherever possible. Parse the init.par file to grab the paths and initial parameters for the run. Parameters ---------- initParFilePath : str Optional full path to the init.par file to use for the data """ self.dict = {} self.parseInit(initParFilePath) self.flatPath = self.dict["flatPath"] self.rawRegionsList = self.dict["regPaths"] self.ingress = self.dict["ingress"] self.egress = self.dict["egress"] self.apertureRadii = self.dict["apertureRadius"] self.trackingZoom = self.dict["trackingZoom"] self.ccdGain = self.dict["ccdGain"] self.trackPlots = self.dict["trackPlots"] self.photPlots = self.dict["photPlots"] self.smoothConst = self.dict ["smoothConst"] self.darksPath = self.dict["darksPath"] self.imagesPaths = self.dict["imagesPaths"] self.timeKeyword = self.dict["timeKeyword"] if self.timeKeyword == 'JD': # Since we're trying to convert to JD, use a dummy lambda function self.convertToJD = lambda x: x elif self.timeKeyword == 'DATE-OBS': self.convertToJD = mathMethods.ut2jdSplitAtT #if not hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): # assert len(self.imagesPaths) > 1, 'Must have at least two data images' if not hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): self.masterFlat = np.ones_like(pyfits.getdata(self.imagesPaths[0])) elif self.flatPath != '': self.masterFlat = pyfits.getdata(self.flatPath) self.masterFlatPath = self.flatPath elif self.flatPath == '': self.masterFlat = np.ones_like(pyfits.getdata(self.imagesPaths[0])) self.allStarsDict = {} self.regionsFileList, self.regionsFITSrefsList = self.parseRawRegionsList(self.rawRegionsList) init_x_list,init_y_list = self.parseRegionsFile(self.regionsFileList[0]) zeroArray = np.zeros_like(self.imagesPaths,dtype=np.float32) self.times = np.zeros_like(self.imagesPaths,dtype=np.float64) self.keys = [] self.targetKey = '000' Nradii = len(self.apertureRadii) for i in range(0,len(init_x_list)): self.allStarsDict[str(i).zfill(3)] = {'x-pos':np.copy(zeroArray), 'y-pos':np.copy(zeroArray),\ 'rawFlux':[np.copy(zeroArray) for j in range(Nradii)], 'rawError':[np.copy(zeroArray) for j in range(Nradii)],'flag':False,\ 'scaledFlux':[np.copy(zeroArray) for j in range(Nradii)], 'scaledError':[np.copy(zeroArray) for j in range(Nradii)], 'chisq':np.zeros_like(self.apertureRadii)} self.allStarsDict[str(i).zfill(3)]['x-pos'][0] = init_x_list[i] self.allStarsDict[str(i).zfill(3)]['y-pos'][0] = init_y_list[i] self.keys.append(str(i).zfill(3))
[docs] def getDict(self): '''Return dictionary of all star data called ``allStarsDict`.''' return self.allStarsDict
[docs] def getMeanDarkFrame(self): if type(self.darksPath) == str and self.darksPath == "": return np.zeros_like(pyfits.getdata(self.imagesPaths[0])) else: # Else it will be a list of strings return systematics.meanDarkFrame(self.darksPath)
[docs] def centroidInitialGuess(self,expNumber,star): ''' Gets called for each exposure. If called on the first exposure, it will return the intial centroid guesses input by the DS9 regions file. If any other image and only one regions file has been submitted, it will return the previous centroid as the initial guess for subsequent exposures. If multiple regions files have been submitted, it will return the initial guesses in those regions files when the image path with index ``expNumber`` is equivalent to the path stored for that regions file's "Reference FITS image". Parameters ---------- expNumber : int The index of the exposure currently being analyzed. The image gets called by its index from the list of image paths returned by getPaths(). star : str The key from ``allStarsDict`` that corresponds to the star for which you'd like a centroid initial guess. Returns ------- est_x : float Estimated centroid position of the star ``star`` along the *x*-axis of pixels for exposure index ``expNumber`` est_y : float Estimated centroid position of the star ``star`` along the *y*-axis of pixels for exposure index ``expNumber`` ''' if expNumber == 0: est_x = self.allStarsDict[star]['x-pos'][0] ## Use DS9 regions file's estimate for the est_y = self.allStarsDict[star]['y-pos'][0] ## stellar centroid for the first exposure elif self.imagesPaths[expNumber] in self.regionsFITSrefsList: refIndex = self.regionsFITSrefsList.index(self.imagesPaths[expNumber]) init_x_list, init_y_list = self.parseRegionsFile(self.regionsFileList[refIndex]) est_x = init_x_list[int(star)] est_y = init_y_list[int(star)] else: est_x = self.allStarsDict[star]['x-pos'][expNumber-1] ## All other exposures use the est_y = self.allStarsDict[star]['y-pos'][expNumber-1] ## previous exposure centroid as estimate return est_x, est_y
[docs] def storeCentroid(self,star,exposureNumber,xCentroid,yCentroid): ''' Store the centroid data collected by `trackSmooth` Parameters ---------- star : string Key for the star for which the centroid has been measured exposureNumber : int Index of exposure being considered xCentroid : float *x*-centroid of the star yCentroid : float *y*-centroid of the star ''' self.allStarsDict[star]['x-pos'][exposureNumber] = xCentroid self.allStarsDict[star]['y-pos'][exposureNumber] = yCentroid
[docs] def storeFlux(self,star,exposureNumber,rawFlux,rawError): ''' Store the flux and error data collected by `phot` Parameters ---------- star : string Key for the star from the ``allStarsDict`` dictionary exposureNumber : int Index of exposure being considered rawFlux : float flux measured, to be stored rawError : float flux uncertainty measured, to be stored ''' self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux'][exposureNumber] = rawFlux self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError'][exposureNumber] = rawError
[docs] def storeFluxes(self,star,exposureNumber,rawFluxes,rawErrors): ''' Store the flux and error data collected by oscaar.phot() Parameters ---------- star : str Key for the star from the `allStarsDict` dictionary exposureNumber : int Index of exposure being considered rawFluxes : list of floats flux measured, to be stored rawErrors : list of floats photon noise measured, to be stored ''' for apertureRadiusIndex in range(len(self.apertureRadii)): self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex][exposureNumber] = rawFluxes[apertureRadiusIndex] self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError'][apertureRadiusIndex][exposureNumber] = rawErrors[apertureRadiusIndex]
[docs] def getPaths(self): '''Return the paths to the raw images to be used''' return self.imagesPaths
[docs] def getFluxes(self,star): ''' Return list of fluxes for the star with key ``star`` Parameters ---------- star : str Key for the star from the ``allStarsDict`` dictionary Returns ------- fluxes : list List of fluxes for each aperture radius ''' return self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux']
[docs] def getErrors(self,star): '''Return the errors for one star, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError']
[docs] def storeTime(self,expNumber): ''' Store the time in JD from the FITS header. Parameters ---------- exposureNumber : string Index of exposure being considered ''' #try: timeStamp = pyfits.getheader(self.getPaths()[expNumber])[self.timeKeyword] #except KeyError: # print 'Input Error: The Exposure Time Keyword indicated in observatory.par is not a valid key: ',self.timeKeyword #finally: self.times[expNumber] = self.convertToJD(timeStamp)
[docs] def getTimes(self): '''Return all times collected with dataBank.storeTime()''' return self.times
[docs] def getFlag(self,star): '''Return the flag for the star with key `star` ''' return self.allStarsDict[star]['flag']
[docs] def getAllFlags(self): '''Return flags for all stars''' flags = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: flags.append(self.allStarsDict[star]['flag']) self.flags = flags return flags
[docs] def setFlag(self,star,setting): '''Set flag for star with key <star> to <setting> where setting is a Boolean''' self.allStarsDict[star]['flag'] = setting
[docs] def getKeys(self): '''Return the keys for all of the stars''' return self.keys
[docs] def scaleFluxes(self): ''' When all fluxes have been collected, run this to re-scale the fluxes of each comparison star to the flux of the target star. Do the same transformation on the errors. ''' for star in self.allStarsDict: if star != self.targetKey: self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'], m = mathMethods.regressionScale(self.getFluxes(star),self.getFluxes(self.targetKey),self.getTimes(),self.ingress,self.egress,returncoeffs=True) print m self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'] = np.abs(m)*self.getErrors(star) if star == self.targetKey: ## (Keep the target star the same) self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'] = self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux'] self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'] = self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError']
[docs] def getFluxes_multirad(self,star,apertureRadiusIndex): '''Return the fluxes for one star, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex]
[docs] def getErrors_multirad(self,star,apertureRadiusIndex): '''Return the errors for one star, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError'][apertureRadiusIndex]
[docs] def scaleFluxes_multirad(self): ''' When all fluxes have been collected, run this to re-scale the fluxes of each comparison star to the flux of the target star. Do the same transformation on the errors. ''' for star in self.allStarsDict: for apertureRadiusIndex in range(len(self.apertureRadii)): if star != self.targetKey: print self.getFluxes_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex)[0] self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex], m = mathMethods.regressionScale(self.getFluxes_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex),self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex),self.getTimes(),self.ingress,self.egress,returncoeffs=True) #print m self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'][apertureRadiusIndex] = np.abs(m)*self.getErrors_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex) if star == self.targetKey: ## (Keep the target star the same) self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex] = self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex] self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'][apertureRadiusIndex] = self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError'][apertureRadiusIndex]
[docs] def getScaledFluxes(self,star): '''Return the scaled fluxes for one star, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return np.array(self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'])
[docs] def getScaledErrors(self,star): '''Return the scaled fluxes for one star, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return np.array(self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'])
[docs] def getScaledFluxes_multirad(self,star,apertureRadiusIndex): '''Return the scaled fluxes for star and one aperture, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return np.array(self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex])
[docs] def getScaledErrors_multirad(self,star,apertureRadiusIndex): '''Return the scaled errors for star and one aperture, where the star parameter is the key for the star of interest.''' return np.array(self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'][apertureRadiusIndex])
[docs] def calcChiSq(self): """ Calculate the :math:`$\chi^2$` for the fluxes of each comparison star and the fluxes of the target star. This metric can be used to suggest which comparison stars have similar overall trends to the target star. """ for star in self.allStarsDict: self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq'] = mathMethods.chiSquared(self.getFluxes(self.targetKey),self.getFluxes(star)) chisq = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: chisq.append(self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) self.chisq = np.array(chisq) self.meanChisq = np.mean(chisq) self.stdChisq = np.std(chisq)
[docs] def calcChiSq_multirad(self,apertureRadiusIndex): """ Calculate the :math:`$\chi^2$` for the fluxes of each comparison star and the fluxes of the target star. This metric can be used to suggest which comparison stars have similar overall trends to the target star. """ for star in self.allStarsDict: print self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex),self.getFluxes_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex) self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq'][apertureRadiusIndex] = mathMethods.chiSquared(self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex),self.getFluxes_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex)) chisq = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: chisq.append(self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq'][apertureRadiusIndex]) self.chisq = np.array(chisq) self.meanChisq = np.mean(chisq) self.stdChisq = np.std(chisq)
[docs] def calcMeanComparison_multirad(self,ccdGain=1): """ Take the regression-weighted mean of some of the comparison stars to produce one comparison star flux to compare to the target to produce a light curve. The comparison stars used are those whose :math:`$\chi^2$`s calculated by `calcChiSq()` are less than :math:`$2\sigma$` away from the other :math:`$\chi^2$`s. This condition removes outlier comparison stars, which can be caused by intrinsic variability, tracking inaccuracies, or other effects. """ self.meanComparisonStars = [] self.meanComparisonStarErrors = [] self.comparisonStarWeights = [] for apertureRadiusIndex in range(len(self.apertureRadii)): ## Check whether chi-squared has been calculated already. If not, compute it. chisq = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: chisq.append(self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) chisq = np.array(chisq) #if all(chisq == 0): self.calcChiSq_multirad(apertureRadiusIndex) if (chisq==0).all(): self.calcChiSq_multirad(apertureRadiusIndex) ## Begin regression technique numCompStars = len(self.allStarsDict) - 1 targetFullLength = len(self.getScaledFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex)) print "Aperture rad:", apertureRadiusIndex print "Target raw flux:",self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex) print "Target scaled flux:",self.getScaledFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex) target = self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex)[self.outOfTransit()] compStars = np.zeros([targetFullLength,numCompStars]) compStarsOOT = np.zeros([len(target),numCompStars]) compErrors = np.copy(compStars) columnCounter = 0 acceptedCompStarKeys = [] compStarKeys = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: if star != self.targetKey and (np.abs(self.meanChisq - self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) < 2*self.stdChisq).any(): compStars[:,columnCounter] = self.getScaledFluxes_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex).astype(np.float64) compStarsOOT[:,columnCounter] = self.getScaledFluxes_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex)[self.outOfTransit()].astype(np.float64) compErrors[:,columnCounter] = self.getScaledErrors_multirad(star,apertureRadiusIndex).astype(np.float64) compStarKeys.append(int(star)) columnCounter += 1 elif star != self.targetKey and (np.abs(self.meanChisq - self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) > 2*self.stdChisq): print 'Star '+str(star)+' excluded from regression' compStarKeys.append(int(star)) columnCounter += 1 initP = np.zeros([numCompStars])+ 1./numCompStars def errfunc(p,target): if all(p >=0.0): return,compStarsOOT.T) - target ## Find only positive coefficients #return,compStarsOOT.T) - target bestFitP = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,initP[:],args=(target.astype(np.float64)),maxfev=10000000,epsfcn=np.finfo(np.float32).eps)[0] print '\nBest fit regression coefficients:',bestFitP print 'Default weight:',1./numCompStars self.comparisonStarWeights_i = np.vstack([compStarKeys,bestFitP]) self.meanComparisonStar =,compStars.T) self.meanComparisonStarError = np.sqrt(**2,compErrors.T**2)) self.meanComparisonStars.append(self.meanComparisonStar) self.meanComparisonStarErrors.append(self.meanComparisonStarError) self.comparisonStarWeights.append(self.comparisonStarWeights_i) return self.meanComparisonStars, self.meanComparisonStarErrors
[docs] def getAllChiSq(self): """ Return :math:`$\chi^2$`s for all stars """ return self.chisq
[docs] def outOfTransit(self): """ Boolean array where `True` are the times in `getTimes()` that are before ingress or after egress. Returns ------- List of bools """ return (self.getTimes() < self.ingress) + (self.getTimes() > self.egress)
[docs] def calcMeanComparison(self,ccdGain=1): """ Take the regression-weighted mean of some of the comparison stars to produce one comparison star flux to compare to the target to produce a light curve. The comparison stars used are those whose chi-squareds calculated by self.calcChiSq() are less than 2*sigma away from the other chi-squareds. This condition removes outliers. """ ## Check whether chi-squared has been calculated already. If not, compute it. chisq = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: chisq.append(self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) chisq = np.array(chisq) if all(chisq == 0): self.calcChiSq() ## Begin regression technique numCompStars = len(self.allStarsDict) - 1 targetFullLength = len(self.getScaledFluxes(self.targetKey)) target = self.getFluxes(self.targetKey)[self.outOfTransit()] compStars = np.zeros([targetFullLength,numCompStars]) compStarsOOT = np.zeros([len(target),numCompStars]) compErrors = np.copy(compStars) columnCounter = 0 compStarKeys = [] for star in self.allStarsDict: if star != self.targetKey and (np.abs(self.meanChisq - self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) < 2*self.stdChisq): compStars[:,columnCounter] = self.getScaledFluxes(star).astype(np.float64) compStarsOOT[:,columnCounter] = self.getScaledFluxes(star)[self.outOfTransit()].astype(np.float64) compErrors[:,columnCounter] = self.getScaledErrors(star).astype(np.float64) compStarKeys.append(int(star)) columnCounter += 1 elif star != self.targetKey and (np.abs(self.meanChisq - self.allStarsDict[star]['chisq']) > 2*self.stdChisq): print 'Star '+str(star)+' excluded from regression' compStarKeys.append(int(star)) columnCounter += 1 initP = np.zeros([numCompStars])+ 1./numCompStars def errfunc(p,target): if all(p >=0.0): return,compStarsOOT.T) - target ## Find only positive coefficients #return,compStarsOOT.T) - target bestFitP = optimize.leastsq(errfunc,initP[:],args=(target.astype(np.float64)),maxfev=10000000,epsfcn=np.finfo(np.float32).eps)[0] print '\nBest fit regression coefficients:',bestFitP print 'Default weight:',1./numCompStars self.comparisonStarWeights = np.vstack([compStarKeys,bestFitP]) self.meanComparisonStar =,compStars.T) self.meanComparisonStarError = np.sqrt(**2,compErrors.T**2)) return self.meanComparisonStar, self.meanComparisonStarError
[docs] def computeLightCurve(self,meanComparisonStar,meanComparisonStarError): ''' Divide the target star flux by the mean comparison star to yield a light curve, save the light curve into the dataBank object. INPUTS: meanComparisonStar - The fluxes of the (one) mean comparison star RETURNS: self.lightCurve - The target star divided by the mean comparison star, i.e., the light curve. ''' self.lightCurve = self.getFluxes(self.targetKey)/meanComparisonStar self.lightCurveError = np.sqrt(self.lightCurve**2 * ( (self.getErrors(self.targetKey)/self.getFluxes(self.targetKey))**2 + (meanComparisonStarError/meanComparisonStar)**2 )) return self.lightCurve, self.lightCurveError
[docs] def computeLightCurve_multirad(self,meanComparisonStars,meanComparisonStarErrors): ''' Divide the target star flux by the mean comparison star to yield a light curve, save the light curve into the `dataBank` object. Parameters ---------- meanComparisonStar : list The fluxes of the (one) mean comparison star Returns ------- self.lightCurves: The fluxes of the target star divided by the fluxes of the mean comparison star, i.e., the light curve self.lightCurveErrors: The propagated errors on each relative flux in `self.lightCurves` ''' self.lightCurves = [] self.lightCurveErrors = [] for apertureRadiusIndex in range(len(self.apertureRadii)): lightCurve = self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex)/meanComparisonStars[apertureRadiusIndex] self.lightCurves.append(lightCurve) self.lightCurveErrors.append(np.sqrt(lightCurve**2 * ( (self.getErrors_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex)/self.getFluxes_multirad(self.targetKey,apertureRadiusIndex))**2 +\ (meanComparisonStarErrors[apertureRadiusIndex]/meanComparisonStars[apertureRadiusIndex])**2 ))) return self.lightCurves, self.lightCurveErrors
[docs] def getPhotonNoise(self): ''' Calculate photon noise using the lightCurve and the meanComparisonStar RETURNS: self.photonNoise - The estimated photon noise limit ''' self.photonNoise = self.lightCurve*self.meanComparisonStarError return self.photonNoise
[docs] def parseInit(self, initParFilePath=None): """ Parses `init.par`, a plain text file that contains all of the running parameters that control the `` script. `init.par` is written by the OSCAAR GUI or can be edited directly by the user. Parameters ---------- initParFilePath : str Optional full path to the init.par file to use for the data """ if initParFilePath is None: init = open(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(oscaar.__file__)), 'init.par'), 'r').read().splitlines() else: if os.path.exists(initParFilePath): init = open(os.path.abspath(initParFilePath), 'r').read().splitlines() else: raise ValueError, ( "PAR file {0} cannot be found.".format(initParFilePath)) for line in init: if len(line.split()) > 1: inline = line.split(':', 1) name = inline[0].strip() value = str(inline[1].strip()) list = [("Path to Master-Flat Frame", "flatPath"), ("Path to Regions File", "regPaths"), ("Ingress", "ingress"), ("Egress", "egress"), ("Radius", "apertureRadius"), ("Tracking Zoom", "trackingZoom"), ("CCD Gain", "ccdGain"), ("Plot Tracking", "trackPlots"), ("Plot Photometry", "photPlots"), ("Smoothing Constant", "smoothConst"), ("Output Path","outputPath"), ("Path to Dark Frames", "darksPath"), ("Path to Data Images", "imagesPaths"), ("Exposure Time Keyword", "timeKeyword")] for string,save in list: if string == name: #if name == "Smoothing Constant" or name == "Radius" or name == "Tracking Zoom" or name == "CCD Gain": if name == "Smoothing Constant" or name == "Tracking Zoom" or name == "CCD Gain": self.dict[save] = float(value) elif name == "Ingress" or name == "Egress": self.dict[save] = mathMethods.ut2jd(value) elif name == "Plot Photometry" or name == "Plot Tracking": if value == "on": self.dict[save] = True else: self.dict[save] = False elif name == "Path to Dark Frames" or name == "Path to Data Images": value = inline[1].strip() if len(glob(value)) > 0: self.dict[save] = np.sort(glob(value)) elif value == "": self.dict[save] = "" else: tempArr = [] for path in str(inline[1]).split(','): path = path.strip() path = os.path.join(oscaarpathplus,os.path.abspath(path)) tempArr.append(path) self.dict[save] = np.sort(tempArr) elif name == "Radius": if len(value.split(',')) == 3: ## If multiple aperture radii are requested by dictating the range, enumerate the range: apertureRadiusMin, apertureRadiusMax, apertureRadiusStep = map(float,value.split(',')) if (apertureRadiusMax-apertureRadiusMin) % apertureRadiusStep == 0: apertureRadii = np.arange(apertureRadiusMin, apertureRadiusMax+apertureRadiusStep, apertureRadiusStep) else: apertureRadii = np.arange(apertureRadiusMin, apertureRadiusMax, apertureRadiusStep) self.dict[save] = apertureRadii elif len(value.split(',')) == 1: ## If only one aperture radius is requested, make a list with only that one element self.dict[save] = [float(value)] else: self.dict[save] = [float(i) for i in value.split(',')] elif name == "Output Path": self.outputPath = os.path.join(oscaarpathplus,os.path.abspath(value)) else: self.dict[save] = value
[docs] def parseRegionsFile(self,regPath): """ Parses the regions files (.REG) created by DS9. These files are written in plain text, where each circuluar region's centroid and radius are logged in the form "circle(`x-centroid`,`y-centroid`,`radius`)". This method uses regular expressions to parse out the centroids. Parameters ---------- regPath : string Path to the regions file to read Returns ------- init_x_list : list Initial estimates for the x-centroids init_y_list : list Initial estimates for the y-centroids """ regionsData = open(regPath,'r').read().splitlines() init_x_list = [] init_y_list = [] for i in range(0,len(regionsData)): if regionsData[i][0:6] == 'circle': y,x = re.split("\,",re.split("\(",regionsData[i])[1])[0:2] init_y_list.append(float(y)) init_x_list.append(float(x)) return init_x_list,init_y_list
[docs] def parseRawRegionsList(self,rawRegionsList): """ Split up the `rawRegionsList`, which should be in the format: <first regions file>,<reference FITS file for the first regs file>;<second> regions file>, <reference FITS file for the first regs file>;.... into a list of regions files and a list of FITS reference files. """ regionsFiles = [] refFITSFiles = [] for pair in rawRegionsList.split(';'): if len(pair.split(",")) == 2: regionsFile, refFITSFile = pair.split(',') regionsFiles.append(regionsFile) refFITSFiles.append(refFITSFile) return regionsFiles, refFITSFiles
[docs] def plot(self,pointsPerBin=10): """ Produce a plot of the light curve, show it. Over-plot 10-point median binning of the light curve. Parameters ---------- pointsPerBin : int, optional (default=10) Integer number of points to accumulate per bin. """ plt.close() times = self.getTimes() meanComparisonStar, meanComparisonStarError = self.calcMeanComparison(ccdGain = self.ccdGain) lightCurve, lightCurveErr = self.computeLightCurve(meanComparisonStar, meanComparisonStarError) binnedTime, binnedFlux, binnedStd = mathMethods.medianBin(times,lightCurve,pointsPerBin) fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) def format_coord(x, y): '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return 'JD=%1.5f, Flux=%1.4f' % (x, y) axis.format_coord = format_coord axis.errorbar(times,lightCurve,yerr=lightCurveErr,fmt='k.',ecolor='gray') axis.errorbar(binnedTime, binnedFlux, yerr=binnedStd, fmt='rs-', linewidth=2) axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.ingress,color='k',ls=':') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.egress,color='k',ls=':') axis.set_title('Light Curve') axis.set_xlabel('Time (JD)') axis.set_ylabel('Relative Flux') plt.ioff()
[docs] def plotLightCurve(self,pointsPerBin=10,apertureRadiusIndex=0): """ Produce a plot of the light curve, show it. Over-plot 10-point median binning of the light curve. Parameters ---------- pointsPerBin : int, optional (default=10) Integer number of points to accumulate per bin. apertureRadiusIndex : int, optional (default=0) Index of the aperture radius list corresponding to the aperture radius from which to produce the plot. """ binnedTime, binnedFlux, binnedStd = mathMethods.medianBin(self.times,self.lightCurves[apertureRadiusIndex],pointsPerBin) fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) def format_coord(x, y): '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return 'JD=%1.5f, Flux=%1.4f' % (x, y) axis.format_coord = format_coord axis.errorbar(self.times,self.lightCurves[apertureRadiusIndex],yerr=self.lightCurveErrors[apertureRadiusIndex],fmt='k.',ecolor='gray') axis.errorbar(binnedTime, binnedFlux, yerr=binnedStd, fmt='rs-', linewidth=2) axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.ingress,color='k',ls=':') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.egress,color='k',ls=':') axis.set_title(('Light curve for aperture radius %s' % self.apertureRadii[apertureRadiusIndex])) axis.set_xlabel('Time (JD)') axis.set_ylabel('Relative Flux') plt.ioff()
[docs] def plotRawFluxes(self,apertureRadiusIndex=0,pointsPerBin=10): """ Plot all raw flux time series for a particular aperture radius, for each comparison star. Parameters ---------- pointsPerBin : int, optional (default=10) Integer number of points to accumulate per bin. apertureRadiusIndex : int, optional (default=0) Index of the aperture radius list corresponding to the aperture radius from which to produce the plot. """ plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) def format_coord(x, y): '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return 'JD=%1.5f, Flux=%1.4f' % (x, y) axis.format_coord = format_coord for star in self.allStarsDict: axis.errorbar(self.times,self.allStarsDict[star]['rawFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex],yerr=self.allStarsDict[star]['rawError'][apertureRadiusIndex],fmt='o') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.ingress,color='k',ls=':') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.egress,color='k',ls=':') axis.set_title(('Raw fluxes for aperture radius %s' % self.apertureRadii[apertureRadiusIndex])) axis.set_xlabel('Time (JD)') axis.set_ylabel('Counts') plt.ioff()
[docs] def plotScaledFluxes(self,apertureRadiusIndex=0,pointsPerBin=10): """ Plot all scaled flux time series for a particular aperture radius, for each comparison star. Parameters ---------- pointsPerBin : int, optional (default=10) Integer number of points to accumulate per bin. apertureRadiusIndex : int, optional (default=0) Index of the aperture radius list corresponding to the aperture radius from which to produce the plot. """ plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) def format_coord(x, y): '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return 'JD=%1.5f, Flux=%1.4f' % (x, y) axis.format_coord = format_coord for star in self.allStarsDict: axis.errorbar(self.times,self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledFlux'][apertureRadiusIndex],yerr=self.allStarsDict[star]['scaledError'][apertureRadiusIndex],fmt='o') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.ingress,color='k',ls=':') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.egress,color='k',ls=':') axis.set_title(('Scaled fluxes for aperture radius: %s' % self.apertureRadii[apertureRadiusIndex])) axis.set_xlabel('Time (JD)') axis.set_ylabel('Counts') plt.ioff()
[docs] def plotCentroidsTrace(self,pointsPerBin=10): """ Plot all centroid positions for a particular aperture radius, for each comparison star. The plot will be in (`x`,`y`) coordinates to visualize the physical image drift (this is not a plot as a function of time). Parameters ---------- pointsPerBin : int, optional (default=10) Integer number of points to accumulate per bin. apertureRadiusIndex : int, optional (default=0) Index of the aperture radius list corresponding to the aperture radius from which to produce the plot. """ fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) def format_coord(x, y): '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return 'JD=%1.5f, Flux=%1.4f' % (x, y) axis.format_coord = format_coord for star in self.allStarsDict: axis.plot(self.allStarsDict[star]['y-pos'],self.allStarsDict[star]['x-pos']) axis.set_title('Tracing Stellar Centroids') axis.set_xlabel('X') axis.set_ylabel('Y') plt.ioff()
[docs] def plotComparisonWeightings(self, apertureRadiusIndex=0): """ Plot histograms visualizing the relative weightings of the comparison stars used to produce the "mean comparison star", from which the light curve is calculated. Parameters ---------- apertureRadiusIndex : int, optional (default=0) Index of the aperture radius list corresponding to the aperture radius from which to produce the plot. """ plt.ion() weights = self.comparisonStarWeights[apertureRadiusIndex] weights = np.sort(weights,axis=1) width = 0.5 indices = weights[0,:] coefficients = weights[1,:] fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlim([0,len(indices)+1]) ax.set_xticks(indices+width/2) ax.set_xticklabels(["Star "+str(i) for i in range(len(indices))]) ax.set_xlabel('Comparison Star') ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Weighting') ax.set_title('Comparison Star Weights into the Composite Comparison Star for aperture radius %s' \ % self.apertureRadii[apertureRadiusIndex]) ax.axhline(xmin=0,xmax=1,y=1.0/len(indices),linestyle=':',color='k'),coefficients,width,color='w') plt.ioff()
[docs] def updateMCMC(self,bestp,allparams,acceptanceRate,dataBankPath,uncertainties): """ Assigns variables within the dataBank object for the results of an MCMC run. Parameters ---------- bestp : list Best-fit parameters from the MCMC run. The list elements correspond to [<ratio of planetary radius to stellar radius>,<ratio of semi-major axis to stellar radius>,<inclination>,<mid-transit time>]. allparams : 2D matrix This matrix represents the many "states", "trails" or "links in the chain" that are accepted and saved throughout the Metropolis-Hastings process in the MCMC scripts. From allparams we can calculate the uncertainties on each best-fit parameter. acceptanceRate : float The final acceptance rate achieved by the chain; the ratio of the number of accepted states and the number of states attempted dataBankPath : string Path to the dataBank object pickle (aka "OSCAAR pkl") to update uncertainties : list of lists :math:`$\pm 1\sigma$` uncertainties on each of the best-fit parameters in `bestp` """ self.MCMC_bestp = bestp self.MCMC_allparams = allparams self.MCMC_acceptanceRate = acceptanceRate self.dataBankPath = dataBankPath self.MCMC_uncertainties = uncertainties
[docs] def uncertaintyString(self): """ Returns ------- savestring : string A string formatted for human-readable results from the MCMC process, with the best-fit parameters and the :math:`$\pm 1\sigma$` uncertainties """ savestring = 'MCMC Best Fit Parameters And One-Sigma Uncertainties\n----------------------------------------------------\n\n' labels = ['Rp/Rs','a/Rs','Inclination','Mid-transit time'] for i in range(len(labels)): savestring += '%s:\t%s\t +%s / -%s \n' % (labels[i],self.MCMC_bestp[i],self.MCMC_uncertainties[i][0],self.MCMC_uncertainties[i][1]) return savestring
[docs] def czechETDstring(self,apertureRadiusIndex): """ Returns a string containing the tab delimited light curve data for submission to the *Czech Astronomical Society's Exoplanet Transit Database*, for submission here: Parameters ---------- apertureRadiusIndex : int Index of the aperture radius from which to use for the light curve fluxes and errors. """ N_measurements = len(self.lightCurves[apertureRadiusIndex]) outputString = '' for i in xrange(N_measurements): outputString += '\t'.join(map(str,[self.times[i],self.lightCurves[apertureRadiusIndex][i],\ self.lightCurveErrors[apertureRadiusIndex][i]])) outputString += '\n' return outputString
# def plotMCMC(self): # bestp = self.MCMC_bestp # allparams = self.MCMC_allparams # x = self.times # y = self.lightCurve # sigma_y = self.lightCurveError # # ############################## # # Prepare figures # fig = plt.figure() # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(331) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(332) # ax3 = fig.add_subplot(333) # ax4 = fig.add_subplot(334) # ax5 = fig.add_subplot(335) # ax6 = fig.add_subplot(336) # ax7 = fig.add_subplot(337) # ax8 = fig.add_subplot(338) # ax9 = fig.add_subplot(339) # yfit = occult4params(x,bestp) # ax1.errorbar(x,y,yerr=sigma_y,fmt='o-') # ax1.plot(x,yfit,'r') # ax1.set_title("Fit with MCMC") # # ############################## # # Plot traces and histograms of mcmc params # p = allparams[0,:] # ap = allparams[1,:] # i = allparams[2,:] # t0 = allparams[3,:] # abscissa = np.arange(len(allparams[0,:])) ## Make x-axis for trace plots # burnFraction = 0.20 ## "burn" or ignore the first 20% of the chains # # ax2.plot(abscissa,p,'k.') # ax2.set_title('p trace') # ax2.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=burnFraction*len(abscissa),linestyle=':') # # ax3.plot(abscissa,ap,'k.') # ax3.set_title('ap trace') # ax3.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=burnFraction*len(abscissa),linestyle=':') # # ax4.plot(abscissa,i,'k.') # ax4.set_title('i trace') # ax4.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=burnFraction*len(abscissa),linestyle=':') # # ax5.plot(abscissa,t0,'k.') # ax5.set_title('t0 trace') # ax5.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=burnFraction*len(abscissa),linestyle=':') # # def histplot(parameter,axis,title,bestFitParameter): # postburn = parameter[burnFraction*len(parameter):len(parameter)] ## Burn beginning of chain # Nbins = 15 ## Plot histograms with 15 bins # n, bins, patches = axis.hist(postburn, Nbins, normed=0, facecolor='white') ## Generate histogram # plus,minus = oscaar.fitting.get_uncertainties(postburn,bestFitParameter) ## Calculate uncertainties on best fit parameter # axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter+plus,ls=':',color='r') ## Plot vertical lines representing uncertainties # axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=bestFitParameter-minus,ls=':',color='r') # axis.set_title(title) # ## Plot the histograms # histplot(p,ax6,'p',bestp[0]) # histplot(ap,ax7,'ap',bestp[1]) # histplot(i,ax8,'i',bestp[2]) # histplot(t0,ax9,'t0',bestp[3]) # # plt.savefig("mcmc_results.png",bbox_inches='tight') ## Save plot #
[docs] def plotLightCurve_multirad(self,pointsPerBin=10): for apertureRadiusIndex in range(len(self.apertureRadii)): meanTimeInt = int(np.rint(np.mean(self.times))) offsetTimes = self.times - meanTimeInt binnedTime, binnedFlux, binnedStd = mathMethods.medianBin(offsetTimes,self.lightCurves[apertureRadiusIndex],pointsPerBin) fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), facecolor='w',edgecolor='k') fig.canvas.set_window_title('OSCAAR') axis = fig.add_subplot(111) def format_coord(x, y): '''Function to give data value on mouse over plot.''' return 'JD=%1.5f, Flux=%1.4f' % (meanTimeInt+x, y) axis.format_coord = format_coord axis.errorbar(offsetTimes,self.lightCurves[apertureRadiusIndex],yerr=self.lightCurveErrors[apertureRadiusIndex],fmt='k.',ecolor='gray') axis.errorbar(binnedTime, binnedFlux, yerr=binnedStd, fmt='rs-', linewidth=2) axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.ingress-meanTimeInt,color='k',ls=':') axis.axvline(ymin=0,ymax=1,x=self.egress-meanTimeInt,color='k',ls=':') axis.set_title('Light curve for aperture radius: %s' % self.apertureRadii[apertureRadiusIndex]) axis.set_xlabel(('Time - %i (JD)' % meanTimeInt)) axis.set_ylabel('Relative Flux') plt.ioff()